Local Review: Artificial Flower Company – Creamium

Local Review: Artificial Flower Company – Creamium

Artificial Flower Company Creamium Self-Released Street: 03.16 The Artificial Flower Company = 90s Television + Delicate Steve TAFC are an experimental project out of Provo who give old and new pop influences unexpected flavors within a low-budget recording style. For me, most lo-fi music sounds endear- ing. However, TAFC have a certain cabaret panache in this

Local Review: Atomic 45 – Cauterized

Local Review: Atomic 45 – Cauterized

Atomic 45 Cauterized Self-Released Street: 04.04 Atomic 45 = System of a Down + Suicidal Tendencies + Corrosion of Conformity I love a band that goes for it unapologetically in their approach, not that they should be apologizing for anything. What I’m getting from Cauterized is an element of exuberance that wasn’t as present on

Local Review: Andrew Shaw – You’ve Got An Evil Place In Your Heart

Local Review: Andrew Shaw – You’ve Got An Evil Place...

Andrew Shaw You’ve Got An Evil Place In Your Heart Self-Released Street: 07.07 Andrew Shaw = All-Time Quarterback / Bright Eyes Andrew Shaw makes the kind of lo-fi bedroom folk that flourished in the mid-2000s through artists like Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and Bright Eyes. Shaw’s latest album, You’ve Got An Evil

Local Review: Angel Magic – 2012-2015

Local Review: Angel Magic – 2012-2015

Angel Magic harbor a pristine electro-pop sound that’s mood settling and fine-tuned to feel smooth and consistent. … read more

Local Review: Advent Horizon – Stagehound

Local Review: Advent Horizon – Stagehound

Advent Horizon = King’s X + Storm Corrosion + The Get Up Kids  … read more

Local Review: Alter Ego – Ego

Local Review: Alter Ego – Ego

Ego begins with “Hook It,” a heavy, psych bass line flooded with an opulence of funk. The moment the first wah pummeled my eardrums, I was thrashing my brain about and jerking my shoulders so hard that they were sore for two days after. … read more

Local Review: Active Strand – Hot Lava EP

Local Review: Active Strand – Hot Lava EP

Active Strand =
Arctic Monkeys + Audioslave + Ben Harper … read more