Local Review: Batty Blue – Ekphrasis

Local Review: Batty Blue – Ekphrasis

Batty Blue Ekphrasis Self-Released Street: 01.17 Batty Blue = Amelie soundtrack + Laura Marling There’s an oversaturation of folk bands in Provo, but this album is charming and off-beat enough from the typically clean-cut music of Happy Valley to stand alone. It rubs into you nicely— like a good sweater from the D.I. Soft accordion is

Local Review: Band of Annuals – Live Warehouse EP

Local Review: Band of Annuals – Live Warehouse EP

Band of Annuals Live Warehouse EP Self Released Street: 11.01 BOA = Neil Young + Emmylou Harris + that dreaded country twang It’s rare these days that a record can actually exude warmth. Live Warehouse EP does exactly that. From the first song, “Thought I’d Have Learned,” to the final “Blood on my Shirt,” these seven

Local Review: Baker Street Blues Band
 – EP (Demo)

Local Review: Baker Street Blues Band
 – EP (Demo)

Baker Street Blues Band = The Doors + Grateful Dead + Muddy Waters … read more

Local Review: Baby Girl / Gaytheist – Split EP

Local Review: Baby Girl / Gaytheist – Split EP

Baby Gurl/Gaytheist = Queens of the Stone Age + Fucked Up + Hot Snakes … read more

Local Review: Baby Gurl – Incompoop

Local Review: Baby Gurl – Incompoop

Baby Gurl = Primus + Queens of the Stone Age’s Songs for the Deaf / Yaktooth … read more

Local Review: B.C. Einstein – Just For You

Local Review: B.C. Einstein – Just For You

B.C. Einstein = Nujabes + J Dilla + Fat Jon the Ample Soul Physician … read more