Local Review: N0RTHRN LIGHT5 – GR33N.4UROR4.

Local Review: N0RTHRN LIGHT5 – GR33N.4UROR4.

N0RTHRN LIGHT5 = Cashmere Cat + Paper Diamond + Timbaland … read more

Local Review: My Education / Theta Naught – Sound Mass II: Spiritual Docking

Local Review: My Education / Theta Naught – Sound Mass...

My Education/Theta Naught Sound Mass = GSY!BE + Dirty Three + Oiseux-Tempête … read more

Local Review: Mortigi Tempo – Dead Water EP

Local Review: Mortigi Tempo – Dead Water EP

Mortigi Tempo = Albino Father + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club … read more

Local Review: Nick Names – Wasteland EP

Local Review: Nick Names – Wasteland EP

Utah absolutely loves EDM, and this release from local artist Nick Names pays homage to that love. Wasteland intricately bends genres like techno, dubstep and—forgive me for saying this—big room to create a wild and exciting ride through a psychedelic-fueled taste of the rave. … read more

Local Review: Militant – Father Figure

Local Review: Militant – Father Figure

I find it funny, and maybe a little annoying, when bands get uptight about genre. To me, it feels like a non-issue that distracts from a discussion of the actual music. When I opened Bandcamp to listen to Father Figure, I noticed that Militant had tagged the album as “not metal.” … read more