Local Review: Soft Touch – Touch

Local Review: Soft Touch – Touch

Soft Touch Touch Self-Released Street: 03.26 Soft Touch = Shy Girls / Lewis When Prince introduced the world to his high-pitched funk ballads, the world became infatuated with them. Soft Touch might be hip to the “purple one” and his influence, but they remind me more of Prince-influenced modern songs than Prince himself. Beck’s “Debra”

Local Review: Robyn Cage – Tales Of A Thief / Burning Now

Local Review: Robyn Cage – Tales Of A Thief /...

Robyn Cage = (Florence + the Machine) + Lana Del Rey – Fiona Apple … read more

Local Review: Salazar – Saudade

Local Review: Salazar – Saudade

Salazar = (Temper Trap + My Morning Jacket) / Wilco
  … read more