Review: Six Feet Under – Crypt of the Devil

Review: Six Feet Under – Crypt of the Devil

Six Feet Under = True Carnage–era Six Feet Under – Ice-T + Cannabis Corpse + Anata … read more

Review: Sonny Knight And The Lakers – Do It Live

Review: Sonny Knight And The Lakers – Do It Live

Sonny Knight and The Lakers = Sam Cooke + Barrence Whitfield + St. Paul and Broken Bones … read more

Review: Spray Paint – Dopers

Review: Spray Paint – Dopers

Spray Paint Dopers Monofonus Street: 10.23 Spray Paint = Clipd Beaks + The Fall + Brainbombs “Late night speed/was a bad idea”—soundtracking a comedown from flakka or some other terror-drug in the middle of a 15-hour drive on tour through some Midwestern hellscape, Dopers seethes and roils in mid-tour angst fueled by bad food and

Review: Squadra Omega – Altri Occhi Ci Guardano

Review: Squadra Omega – Altri Occhi Ci Guardano

Squadra Omega = Föllakzoid x (contemporary Swans – Godflesh) … read more

Review: Speed the Plough – Now

Review: Speed the Plough – Now

Speed the Plough = Fleetwood Mac + Jefferson Airplane
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Review: Small Black – Best Blues

Review: Small Black – Best Blues

Small Black = Wild Nothing + Craft Spells + New Order
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