SLUG Mag Gets Too BUKU Part Deux: Day Two

SLUG Mag Gets Too BUKU Part Deux: Day Two

If you visit New Orleans and don’t eat as much food as you possibly can, you’re committing a crime.  … read more

Review: Pure Paint For Now People @ Weber State

Review: Pure Paint For Now People @ Weber State

Pure Paint for Now People, the current exhibition at the Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw Gallery at Weber State University, seeks to explore the definition of contemporary painting with a curated selection of pieces by locally, nationally and internationally recognized artists.  … read more

Tolar and Steel Bearing Hand Rock the House Down with Revolt, Deathblow, Discoid A and Steve Buscemi

Tolar and Steel Bearing Hand Rock the House Down with...

I stepped out of the car onto a quaint street tucked away in a quiet corner of Glendale. No large vans or trailers were in sight. “This can’t be the right place,” I thought to myself as I searched for familiar cars perhaps belonging to my friends whose bands were performing that night. … read more

SLUG Swings SXSW Day Two

SLUG Swings SXSW Day Two

Attending a festival such as SXSW requires a level of patience and strategy not intended for the weak of heart. For my second day, I dedicated the majority of my time to an event put on by The House of Vans at the local indoor/outdoor venue The Mohawk. … read more

SLUG Swings SXSW Day Three

SLUG Swings SXSW Day Three

Let me start off with a sincere wish—that Salt Lake City can grow into its still budding music scene and take some serious lessons from Austin. The 801 has got the community-oriented mindset that it takes to foster musicians, and our venues are only getting better, but something we are severely lacking is concert etiquette.  … read more

Review: Pennywise @ Club Sound 03.12 with A Wilhelm Scream, Teenage Bottlerocket

Review: Pennywise @ Club Sound 03.12 with A Wilhelm Scream,...

As Club Sound gradually filled with a mix of veteran punk rockers and skater kids, a hooded zombie lumbered onto the green-lit stage dragging a picket sign behind him. I had seen this skit before—the zombie threw up the sign bearing the skull and bottlerockets logo while some vintage horror movie dialogue played over the PA monitors.  … read more

Speed Date with an Expert @ The Natural History Museum of Utah 03.18

Speed Date with an Expert @ The Natural History Museum...

If all speed dates had 14-minute intervals between partners, the speed dating industry would have collapsed on its awkward head long ago. However, The Natural History Museum of Utah has filled these deafening and potentially desperate minutes with its own spin on the “get to know you” franchise by adding wonderfully brilliant people you actually want to hear from.  … read more

Magic and Friendship with That 1 Guy

Magic and Friendship with That 1 Guy

It saddens me to think that there are people in this world who have never heard of That 1 Guy (a.k.a. Mike Silverman) before. It saddens me much in the same way as when I find out that the newest karaoke-winner on American Idol has released their debut album and it opens at number one on the charts.  … read more

Uncancellable: Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion’s Con Man

Uncancellable: Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion’s Con Man

Alan Tudyk and his old friend, Nathan Fillion have gotten together again to bring us a new series, Con Man. Tudyk writes, directs and stars as Wray Nerely, a former pilot on a former sci-fi show called Spectrum. Fillion plays Jack Moore, Wray’s best friend and former captain on the same show.  … read more

SLUG Swings SXSW Day Four

SLUG Swings SXSW Day Four

As the exhaustion of walking around town, non-stop eating and non-stop shows began to hit me, I felt mighty fine about spending my time at the same establishment as the night before.  … read more