Gallery Stroll: Enjoy Your Own Perspectives

Gallery Stroll: Enjoy Your Own Perspectives

Photo courtesy of the artist and James Fuentes. Peaceful, thoughtful moments wrapped in color and light with occasional straight-up lunacy—that’s what I hope to get out of my Gallery Stroll experience. I’m not here to give you the elongated, highbrow critique of the art that you’ll see at Gallery Stroll. I’m here to push you

Review: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume 1

Review: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume 1

So finally, 13 years after the original release, Volume 1 is available again through Shout! Factory. … read more

Review: Mad Max: Fury Road

Review: Mad Max: Fury Road

The first time I saw Mad Max: Fury Road in the theater I felt like I needed to go home, take a shower, check my body for injuries… and then go right back. … read more

Review: Mega Man Legacy Collection – Bustin’ Bots Like It’s 1987

Review: Mega Man Legacy Collection – Bustin’ Bots Like It’s...

One of my first gaming memories is playing Mega Man X on the Super Nintendo, a game which kicked my 8-year-old ass up and down the block so many times that I can still feel the little blue bootprints. … read more

Review: Corpse of Discovery

Review: Corpse of Discovery

You wake up, vision blurred from sleep, to orders inbound from a nearby intercom. A Corps official greets you and rallies you to complete this final mission like a good little lad so that your expectant family can soon welcome you home with warm embraces and tear-soaked cheeks. … read more

Stand For Queer Lives: An Interview with Adrian Romero

Stand For Queer Lives: An Interview with Adrian Romero

In January of 2015, Adrian founded the group Stand for Queer Lives, a support and activist group dedicated to aiding the lives of LGBTQ+ people. … read more

Review: Ultra Street Fighter 4

Review: Ultra Street Fighter 4

Ultra Street Fighter 4 for PS4 was touted as being the “Best Way to Play.” Unfortunately, before multiple patches, this wasn’t the case. Now that the game has been tweaked, patched and cleaned up, it is, in fact, the best way to play. … read more

In Darkness Is Strength: An Interview with Myrkur

In Darkness Is Strength: An Interview with Myrkur

Amalie Bruun’s unique style mixes the lo-fi brutality of second-wave black metal with thick folk and medieval inspiration, and she overlays the whole thing with clear, harmonious vocals and vicious, high screams. … read more

Review: Party Hard

Review: Party Hard

I step back towards the elevator as the doors open and…a bear. There’s a goddamn bear in the elevator wearing sunglasses. … read more

Review: The Flock

Review: The Flock

Now here’s an interesting question: What if every single death that you accrued in a game brought you one step closer to said game’s inevitable termination? It’s a risky move, but such is the case with The Flock, Vogelsap’s atmospheric first-person action title. … read more