Review: Run Love Kill

Review: Run Love Kill

Run Love Kill follows Rain, a gifted soldier and assassin who discovers that she may be fighting for the wrong side. It’s all a fairly familiar storyline with some very familiar tropes. … read more

Review: Blackwell 4: Deception

Review: Blackwell 4: Deception

Blackwell 4: Deception Developer/Publisher: Wadjet Eye Games Played on: iOS Street Date: 09.24 Of all the video games with terrible film adaptations, I always thought Blackwell was a series ripe for a great film–or in 2015, a new Netflix series. The series, which spanned a total of five games, starred Rosangela Blackwell, a freelance writer

Review: Elementary: The Complete Third Season

Review: Elementary: The Complete Third Season

Elementary’s main difference doesn’t lie with Sherlock, but with his sidekick, Watson. Instead of a John Watson, we have a Joan Watson—it’s also set in New York instead of London. … read more

Review: The Lion Of Rora

Review: The Lion Of Rora

Those comic readers who are up on their 16 century European history may find a sweet spot in their heart for Lion of Rora, but outside of that, I can’t imagine the average comic book fan adding this to their pile. … read more

Review: Cute Things Dying Violently

Review: Cute Things Dying Violently

This game would’ve worked perfectly as an app for mobile phones, but even with a three-dollar price tag, it’s tough to recommend Cute Things Dying Violently. … read more

Review: Supernatural: Season 10

Review: Supernatural: Season 10

Even though paranormal drama is well represented in today’s TV land, Supernatural’s cocktail of humor and horror seems to have picked up where its predecessors left off. … read more

Krissie Shelley: A Voice For All Of The Misfits

Krissie Shelley: A Voice For All Of The Misfits

“The Totally Real Podcast That is Real” is a podcast that sets out to ask funny people serious questions. … read more

Review: Out of the Vault: Halloween Collection

Review: Out of the Vault: Halloween Collection

It’s that time of year again, folks—the holidays are upon us. This means that TV shows will start showing their holiday episodes. … read more

Review: Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse

Review: Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse manages to rekindle my love for the point-and-click puzzle adventure genre with only a few stumbles along the way. … read more

An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre

An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre

Wit was one of the most exceptional, beautiful productions I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t remember the last time I cried so much and laughed so hard. … read more