SLUG BMX Photo Feature: David Pendleton

SLUG BMX Photo Feature: David Pendleton

David Pendleton recently moved back to Utah after a stint in Huntington Beach, California. While out in California, Dave managed to take a trip to China with the dudes in the Common Crew, scored an interview for, and handled filming and editing duties for some well-known names in BMX. Since being back in Utah,

Daredevil: The Show Without Fear

Daredevil: The Show Without Fear

Easily the exception to the typically weak villains of the Marvel cinematic universe, D’Onofrio’s performance in Daredevil is chilling and layered. … read more

Hollywood Kryptonite: The Screening Of “The Death of Superman Lives”

Hollywood Kryptonite: The Screening Of “The Death of Superman Lives”

I was, however, disappointed at the fact that they only screened about half The Death of Superman Lives—explaining that they couldn’t have both the entire movie and a Q&A due to scheduling reasons. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore

Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore

October is one of my favorite months—the change in season brings cool temperatures, autumn colors and the most imaginative holiday North America celebrates: Halloween! It’s a holiday that embraces the human psyche, with all its hopes, fears, fantasies and cravings, and it’s a natural muse for artists—hence why October’s Gallery Stroll is not to miss.

The Comics Code: How Psychiatry Almost Ruined Comics

The Comics Code: How Psychiatry Almost Ruined Comics

The now-defunct comics code holds a strange and peculiar place in history. I don’t know if everyone would want to be lectured on the past of the Comic book industry, but this was great time diving into some rich comic book history. … read more

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Live

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Live

If you grew up in the mid-nineties like I did, you know the last great bastion of classic American cartoons is Animaniacs. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Tyson Call

Contributor Limelight: Tyson Call
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Tyson Call started with SLUG over a year ago, and he quickly has proven to be a SLUG staple with his deft writing and sharp photography skills. Since joining, Call has taken on double duty shooting and writing the monthly online column SLUG Style to shed light on members of our community doing good while

Marvel: Being Inhuman

Marvel: Being Inhuman

This panel discussed the inclusion of the Inhumans into the Marvel on-screen universe and the announcement of the an Inhumans movie coming in 2019. … read more

Review: SOMA: How I Murdered Myself Twice

Review: SOMA: How I Murdered Myself Twice

With SOMA, Frictional Games proves that they haven’t lost their touch. The worst thing I can say about it is that I would have preferred less horror elements. … read more