Review: They Might Be Giants – Glean

Review: They Might Be Giants – Glean

They Might Be Giants = Jonathan Coulton + Moxy Früvous – nerdcore … read more

Review: Toupee – Leg Toucher

Review: Toupee – Leg Toucher

Toupee Leg Toucher Moniker Records Street: 07.07 Toupee = Siouxsie and the Banshees + X + Lost Sounds Whitney Allen, lead singer of Toupee, vocally embodies all of my favorite female voices of punk at once. On the album’s more mellow moments, in songs like “Leg Toucher” and “Sensei, Swami, Guru,” Allen’s vocals lean toward

Review: Thunder – Wonder Days

Review: Thunder – Wonder Days

Thunder = Creedence Clearwater Revival + Blackfoot … read more

Review: Titus Andronicus – The Most Lamentable Tragedy

Review: Titus Andronicus – The Most Lamentable Tragedy

Titus Andronicus = Desaparecidos + Fucked Up + Andrew Jackson Jihad … read more

Review: Tom Diabo – Dark Star

Review: Tom Diabo – Dark Star

Tom Diabo = Horrid Red + Joy Division + Big Black … read more