Review: Mortal Kombat X

Review: Mortal Kombat X

In Injustice: Gods Among Us, the long, convoluted, super-serious campaign story was a welcome change to the fighting game campaigns of old. The DC characters therein are complex and storied enough to warrant such thorough exposition. The same cannot be said for the Mortal Kombat canon. I’m sorry, but Johnny Cage’s post-divorce familial tensions are a terrible plot device. … read more

Review: psyscrolr

Review: psyscrolr

I had hopes for Actos Games’ psyscrolr because it was pitched to me as an indie horror platformer for the Wii U that mainly uses the touchpad, which all sounds great. … read more

Review: Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition

Review: Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super...

After playing the Mario version of Puzzles & Dragons, I’m dying to see more Nintendo-fied games. This is a fantastic deal for two great versions of the iPad game Puzzles & Dragons—one with Mario characters and an RPG, Puzzle & Dragons Z. … read more

Review: Rebel Galaxy

Review: Rebel Galaxy

Rebel Galaxy

Double Damage Games
Reviewed on: PC
Also on: PS4, Xbox One, Mac
Street: 05.18

Every time I’ve played a game that puts me in charge of a spaceship, I’ve inevitably been disappointed. There’s always something that precludes an experience that should essentially be a simulated version of Joss Whedon’s Firefly. … read more

Review: Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark

Review: Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark

In Schrödinger’s Cat, you play as the titular feline, helping a subatomic vacation spot recover after a disaster. … read more

Review: Stealth INC. 2: A Game Of Clones

Review: Stealth INC. 2: A Game Of Clones

Playing through Stealth INC 2: A Game Of Clones, I’m instantly reminded of a similar game, Oddworld Abe’s Odyssey. Both are highly detailed sidescrollers featuring a weaponless main character trying his hardest to escape a foe who wishes to kill him, all while finding friends that look much like himself, and help him solve puzzles to aid in his escape. … read more

Review: Sym

Review: Sym

The fear of interacting with people can be crippling for those with Social Anxiety Disorder—Sym is about Josh, a boy suffering with this disorder. … read more

Review: Technobabylon

Review: Technobabylon

It’s really the same in any medium—more money usually equates to less risk-taking. Technobabylon is a great example. … read more

Review: The Weaponographist

Review: The Weaponographist

It’s clear that The Weaponographist is hoping to insert itself as a new entry in the rapidly diversifying roguelike genre. … read more

Review: Tower of Guns

Review: Tower of Guns

Enter Tower of Guns, a nostalgia bomb for the Unreal/Quake generation, complete with all the aged gameplay mechanics of yore. … read more