Localized: RS2090

Localized: RS2090

Shrouded in layers of intricate mystery, Sean Ivins (RS2090) is unquestionably an enigma. I had the pleasure of sitting down with him one evening, but the more I focused on him, the harder he deflected my questioning and turned everything back to focus on the music. … read more

Localized: Dine Krew

Localized: Dine Krew

It’s not unusual for a group of teenagers to spend long stretches of time in their parents’ basement, eating ramen noodles and staring at some sort of a screen while vaguely recognizable jams bump in the background. Generally, these hangouts don’t equate to much other than high scores on Mario Kart, but Dine Krew took their adolescent experiments and ideas and painted that shit gold, so to speak. … read more

Localized: Porch to Porch

Localized: Porch to Porch

Porch to Porch are an upbeat, folky bluegrass ensemble with fast-picking fingers and a wailing harmonica. They live by their motto, “For the love of music,” which harmonica player and designer Willus Branham penciled into their band logo five years ago. They’re a big, happy, whiskey-drinkin’ family who dedicates their Wild Western project to spreading good vibes, jamming and going right into the crowd. … read more

Review: The Kimmie, The Yink & The Holy

Review: The Kimmie, The Yink & The Holy

The Kimmie, The Yink & The Holy Gose Ale Brewery/Brand: Anderson Valley Brewing Co. ABV: 4.2% Serving Style: 12 oz. can This beer pours a somewhat hazy golden/yellow color with a head that quickly fades to a foamy film. The nose is mellow with hints of lemon rind and dry wood. The taste starts tart but not overly

Review: New Zealand Draught

Review: New Zealand Draught

New Zealand Draught Brewery/Brand: Hoppers Grill & Brewing Co. ABV: 4.0% Serving Style: Draft This beer pours a dark orange/amber color with a fluffy two fingers of foam on top. The nose is flowery with spicy malts and a hint of melon. The taste starts with a bit of toffee malts and toasted bread. Grassy hops begin

Review: Amphetamine Blues: Issues 1 and 2

Review: Amphetamine Blues: Issues 1 and 2

I was greeted upon opening the monochromatic first issue by a photo of a lacy thong hanging off a stiletto heel and a blurb about the editor, Sakellis Manos, aka “~manoc~”. Amphetamine Blues publishes album reviews, both new and old, as well as interviews, quotes from well-known musicians and simple biographies of underground, lesser-known bands. … read more

Review: Betep No. 2

Review: Betep No. 2

Formatted in a single booklet with three separate stories, a CD with five songs and three postcards depicting morbid expressionist art, Betep No. 2 explores the darker side of humans. … read more

Review: Kackle Issue 3D: Skull Water

Review: Kackle Issue 3D: Skull Water

This little zine is rated R for Re-Animator Romance. In just 12 short pages, Bruce Wilson writes a twisted little love story wrapped up in reimagined zombietropes. The plot itself is humorous, just a short story about a simple boy who wants to bring his mother back to life and the magical doctor who sends him on a mission to find a skull with a drop of water that will save her. … read more

Review: The Holy Automatic

Review: The Holy Automatic

Despite being a non-religious fellow, there have been a few times in my life when I really envy people who are well-versed in the Bible. Though, no duh, shame on me for not being so. The shit’s canon. Regardless, this zine presents a brilliant concept on the complicated relationship between poetry, words and their relationship to “the truth.” … read more

Review: Victim: Unknown

Review: Victim: Unknown

In a contemporary time, an ordinary man is turned into a deadly gunman. The protagonist was a man who was beaten, raped and watched his bastard son’s mother participate in group sex with the whole junior varsity football team on prom night. … read more