Review: Proportion and Ornament

Review: Proportion and Ornament

One suspects from the onset that Proportion and Ornament is to be understood in terms of its aesthetic value and experience. … read more

Review: The Staked Plains

Review: The Staked Plains

The Staked Plains is functioning (successfully) as a modern apocalyptic text, filling in the gaps of Revelations and beyond. A glad addition to my library. … read more

Looking Around at Beat Happening

Looking Around at Beat Happening

Think DIY, and one thinks homey, living-room production, a sort of playing around—though not always playfulness—and a raw sort of determination. This perception comes from a long line of DIY artists that have passed through our ears and venues over the years, but few have both endured as long and so purely embodied that feeling

Officer Jenny: Offering a Voice to the Voiceless

Officer Jenny: Offering a Voice to the Voiceless

Stephen Cope’s Officer Jenny project sheds light into the darkest corners, zooming in on the most repulsive details in one of 2015’s best records, ~*queen of cups*~. The album’s opening track, “Father Doted Over Me,” pulls no punches and aims straight at the heart of the matter, and the matter of the heart is broken, shattered. … read more

Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

My first experience in a movie theater was for a screening of Return of the Jedi. The original trilogy regularly played on my television, I wore a different Star Wars shirt to school every day for weeks and obsessively collected the action figures. So, you can imagine my reaction to the first prequel in 1999 as not being favorable, but let’s not get into that. … read more

Maciej Binkowski of Techland: Following Dreams in the Dark

Maciej Binkowski of Techland: Following Dreams in the Dark

Conventional wisdom suggests that in order to succeed in life, you’ve got to have a plan. After speaking with Maciej Binkowski, Lead Game Designer of Techland, I’m not so sure. The path he’s walked is interesting, to say the least. … read more

Review: Xenoblade Chronicles X

Review: Xenoblade Chronicles X

Within the first half hour, you’re treated to a sweeping view of Primordia, one of the five continents of Mira. The view is gorgeous, and it whets the appetite of any video game explorer—it’s hard not to spend all your time wandering, collecting and fighting the indigens. … read more

Getting the Beat Right with Jack DeJohnette

Getting the Beat Right with Jack DeJohnette

Rhythm is the heart of any band, and if you ask rhythm guru Jack DeJohnette about it like I did, he’ll tell you, “Everything is rhythm, man. Your heartbeat is rhythm. We’re talking—it’s rhythm. It’s all rhythm.” … read more

Review: ScottEVest Microfleece Pullover

Review: ScottEVest Microfleece Pullover

Much like the hoodie, the ScottEVest Microfleece Pullover comes with multiple pockets for versatility on the go. … read more