Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore

Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore

October is one of my favorite months—the change in season brings cool temperatures, autumn colors and the most imaginative holiday North America celebrates: Halloween! It’s a holiday that embraces the human psyche, with all its hopes, fears, fantasies and cravings, and it’s a natural muse for artists—hence why October’s Gallery Stroll is not to miss.

Contributor Limelight: Tyson Call

Contributor Limelight: Tyson Call
By ,

Tyson Call started with SLUG over a year ago, and he quickly has proven to be a SLUG staple with his deft writing and sharp photography skills. Since joining, Call has taken on double duty shooting and writing the monthly online column SLUG Style to shed light on members of our community doing good while

Review: Assault Android Cactus

Review: Assault Android Cactus

Assault Android Cactus is all combat, all the time as you survive wave after wave of machines out to snuff you out. It’s arcade style shooting using one stick to move and one to aim—which seems simple until there are 25 spidery looking robots on top of you and they knock your ass down. … read more

SLUG Style: Spencer Daley and Rachel Urban

SLUG Style: Spencer Daley and Rachel Urban

Spencer Daley started Daley’s along with Rachel Urban at only 20 years old after being inspired by the clothing stores in Brighton, England and wanting to bring something similar to Sugarhouse. … read more

Review: Grapefruit Sculpin

Review: Grapefruit Sculpin

This IPA pours a nice, nearly clear, golden-orange color with two healthy fingers of off-white head that lingers nearly to the last drop. … read more

Review: Being Evel

Review: Being Evel

Director Daniel Junge helms Being Evel that operates in the same entertaining fashion as previous hip Sundance films … read more

Review: Sugar House Review #11

Review: Sugar House Review #11

Sugar House Review’s Spring/Summer 2015 installment is a literary pleasure from beginning to end. … read more

Review: Act of Aggression

Review: Act of Aggression

While the lack of RTS representation has left a gap in my gaming identity, it’s one that has been lovingly addressed by Act of Aggression … read more

Aroma Soul and Co.

Aroma Soul and Co.

Between the rustic, woody fragrance of Frankincense and Cypress essential oils and the full-bodied aroma of Lavender and Melissa, the Bearded Veteran Formula completely took me in at first sniff. … read more