The Comics Code: How Psychiatry Almost Ruined Comics

The Comics Code: How Psychiatry Almost Ruined Comics

The now-defunct comics code holds a strange and peculiar place in history. I don’t know if everyone would want to be lectured on the past of the Comic book industry, but this was great time diving into some rich comic book history. … read more

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Live

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Live

If you grew up in the mid-nineties like I did, you know the last great bastion of classic American cartoons is Animaniacs. … read more

Marvel: Being Inhuman

Marvel: Being Inhuman

This panel discussed the inclusion of the Inhumans into the Marvel on-screen universe and the announcement of the an Inhumans movie coming in 2019. … read more

Review: SOMA: How I Murdered Myself Twice

Review: SOMA: How I Murdered Myself Twice

With SOMA, Frictional Games proves that they haven’t lost their touch. The worst thing I can say about it is that I would have preferred less horror elements. … read more

Alan Tudyk’s “Con Man” Is Full Of Stars And Laughs

Alan Tudyk’s “Con Man” Is Full Of Stars And Laughs

Earlier this year, Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion set up a campaign to fund a web series called Con Man. It was ridiculously over-funded with over 3 million dollars invested and 47,000 funders because it’s by our favorite Firefly captain and pilot duo. … read more

The Five Minute Captain America Reunion

The Five Minute Captain America Reunion

Chris Evans only got through a few questions before Anthony Mackie appeared from backstage and crashed the party. A few minutes after he popped up, Hayley Atwell joined the party with her lovely British accent and beautiful presence. … read more

Review: Super Mario Maker

Review: Super Mario Maker

Super Mario Maker is broken into two main sections: make and play. Those of us that have those creative minds are going straight for the former. … read more

Battle For Zendikar: How to Harness Cosmic Evil for Fun and Profit

Battle For Zendikar: How to Harness Cosmic Evil for Fun...

Ravnica will always be my MTG happy place, but after taking Battle For Zendikar for a test drive, I heartily welcome the arrival of our Eldrazi overlords. … read more

Drawing First Blood in the Battle For Zendikar Prerelease

Drawing First Blood in the Battle For Zendikar Prerelease

As avid Magic: The Gathering fans, Alex Springer and I both decided to give the upcoming set a try. … read more

People Watching 2.0: People Listening

People Watching 2.0: People Listening

People watching may be my favorite part of Salt Lake Comic Con. … read more