Sunzeecar: Craft Lake City DIY Engineer

Sunzeecar: Craft Lake City DIY Engineer

Sunzeecar With the ever-worsening inversion looming over our heads daily, the need for sustainable energy is increasing tenfold. About 15 years ago, Utah local Dr. Andy Schoenberg took the initiative to design a vehicle that had the potential to be completely sustainable. The Sunzeecar EcoTrike is a small, three-wheeled vehicle that is powered by

House of Lewis: Craft Lake City Performer

House of Lewis: Craft Lake City Performer

House of Lewis Emerging from the ever-growing musical crop of Provo, Utah, artistic collective House of Lewis are establishing themselves as one of the leading figures for rap and hip-hop across the state. The group recently won City Weekly’s “Best of Utah” music competition in February, which earned them an opening spot for Run

Amy Falls & Amy Fry: Craft Lake City Performer

Amy Falls & Amy Fry: Craft Lake City Performer

  Amy Falls & Amy Fry • As longtime contributors to the local dance community in Salt Lake City, choreographers/performers Amy Falls and Amy Fry are collaborating together for the first time. Falls has an academic background in modern dance from the University of Utah and is currently serving in a managerial position for

St. Bohéme: Craft Lake City Performer

St. Bohéme: Craft Lake City Performer

St. Bohéme Picture the light ambience of street players busking on an old Parisian street: accordions and violins, small guitars and light trumpets. This is the sound of St. Bohéme. As the ongoing vision of musician/songwriter Beaux Underwood, this French swing, gypsy folk, classical contemporary ensemble (there’s no easier way to say it) is

Review: 3D Streets of Rage 2

Review: 3D Streets of Rage 2

3D Streets of Rage 2 Sega / M2 Reviewed on: 3DS (exclusive) Street: 07.23 Side-scrolling brawlers don’t really have a home on current-gen consoles, but with the wave of retro gaming, helped in part by Nintendo’s Virtual Console, they have a place carved out for them on handhelds. Streets of Rage 2 originally launched on

Nick James: Craft Lake City Performer

Nick James: Craft Lake City Performer

  Nick James Nick James is a DJ, writer, hairdresser and entrepreneur from Salt Lake City. As the current owner of both The People’s Coffee and its neighboring salon, Nick James Hair, James’ live performances have become rarer in the past few years. However, the Craft Lake City DIY Festival will be getting the

Parchment and Pallet: CLC Vintage Vendor

Parchment and Pallet: CLC Vintage Vendor

Parchment and Pallet “Be still, my heart,” I thought as I saw Jacqueline and Logan Whitmore bustling around their baby blue, 1950s Shasta trailer, making sure each item was nestled just right. Parchment and Pallet collect classic American retro items, mostly from the ’40s to the ’70s. You could find all sorts of gems

Review: Fighties

Review: Fighties

The amount of tweaking needed to balance a roster of unique characters is something that takes dedication, so I was surprised to find that dedication outside of Street Fighter or Super Smash Bros. in the form of Fighties—a small title developed by a team of two people—for $5.00 on Steam. … read more

Salt Valley Vintage: CLC Vintage Vendor

Salt Valley Vintage: CLC Vintage Vendor

  Salt Valley Vintage Stepping into Jane Stringham’s apartment—which doubles as her work space—is like stepping into an episode of Mad Men. She has an eye for aesthetics that are clean, effortless and simultaneously charming, rich and, dare I say, groovy. Case in point: Hanging on her wall is a 1960s floral dress in

BMX Photo Feature: Eric Stewart

BMX Photo Feature: Eric Stewart

Eric Stewart is a bit of a nomad, traveling around the country for work and always bringing his bike along with him. Coming in from Atlanta, Ga., Eric has been incredibly stoked on both Utah’s natural beauty and the fact that we have no shortage of dope spots to ride. Summer in SLC usually means