Review: Kackle Issue 3D: Skull Water

Review: Kackle Issue 3D: Skull Water

This little zine is rated R for Re-Animator Romance. In just 12 short pages, Bruce Wilson writes a twisted little love story wrapped up in reimagined zombietropes. The plot itself is humorous, just a short story about a simple boy who wants to bring his mother back to life and the magical doctor who sends him on a mission to find a skull with a drop of water that will save her. … read more

Review: The Holy Automatic

Review: The Holy Automatic

Despite being a non-religious fellow, there have been a few times in my life when I really envy people who are well-versed in the Bible. Though, no duh, shame on me for not being so. The shit’s canon. Regardless, this zine presents a brilliant concept on the complicated relationship between poetry, words and their relationship to “the truth.” … read more

Review: Victim: Unknown

Review: Victim: Unknown

In a contemporary time, an ordinary man is turned into a deadly gunman. The protagonist was a man who was beaten, raped and watched his bastard son’s mother participate in group sex with the whole junior varsity football team on prom night. … read more

Review: Girl In A Band: A Memoir

Review: Girl In A Band: A Memoir

Kim Gordon, co-founder of the post-punk band Sonic Youth, has written a remarkable memoir that is both as humbly conversational as it is candid about some of the more sensitive issues surrounding her remarkable life. … read more

Review: The Great Divide: The Conflict between Washington and Jefferson that Defined a Nation

Review: The Great Divide: The Conflict between Washington and Jefferson...

Do you ever wonder how well Thomas Jefferson and George Washington got along, or how the other Founding Fathers played off each other during the early founding of the U.S.? I didn’t, and I’m an American History geek—hell I’m a political junkie too. … read more

Review: Heritage of Cyador

Review: Heritage of Cyador

L.E. Modesitt plays a long game with his Saga of Recluse series. Eighteen novels into this epic tale, Heritage of Cyador continues with the exploits of the grey mage Lerial, whose aid in the defeat of the Afritan army in Cyador’s Heirs turns out to be far from decisive. … read more

Review: Love Child

Review: Love Child

Love Child is a photo journal dedicated to the skate culture of Israel. However, the photography does not showcase skateboarding—nobody lands any tricks, and very few capture moments of the act of skating itself. … read more

Review: Madness in Solidar

Review: Madness in Solidar

While I’ll openly admit that Modesitt’s got a talent for introducing rich detail into his political plots, Madness in Solidar took some serious patience to get through. … read more

Review: Uncle John’s Lists That Make You Go Hmmm…

Review: Uncle John’s Lists That Make You Go Hmmm…

Aside from their massive tomes of knowledge, the Uncle John’s series has also had a grand catalog of oddity books that, while they may not fit into the regular series, prove to be informational and fun. Lists That Make You Go Hmmm… is a great example of an era long gone with the random fact-checking of Wikipedia and Google. … read more

Review: Uncle John’s Canoramic Bathroom Reader

Review: Uncle John’s Canoramic Bathroom Reader

Back in the day, when the Internet was a gleam in the eyes of online chess players and Simpsons fans, the conglomerate of encyclopedic information didn’t really exist yet. Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader series was launched back in 1988, giving those with a thirst for knowledge and some, ahem, time to kill, an opportunity to indulge and become smarter. … read more