Local Review: MiNX – 13

Local Review: MiNX – 13

The duo behind MiNX has always been experimental in their approach to music. Just attend one of their live shows with their costumed antics and you’ll get a clear idea of their creative nature. … read more

Local Review: Muzzle Flash – Delightful Suffering

Local Review: Muzzle Flash – Delightful Suffering

The debut from the Salt Lake City–based post-grunge trio does all of the things you would expect from an outfit whose main influences include Queens of the Stone Age and the Foo Fighters—mainly gritty, angsty, power rock. … read more

Local Review: MoneyPenny – Self-Titled

Local Review: MoneyPenny – Self-Titled

If I wasn’t a decade removed from being 17, I’d probably be jamming to this pop punk album in my beat-up Chevy Lumina with a vanilla ice from Top Spot and my best friend, but I’ve since upgraded to a Subaru, pour-overs, a husband and post-whatever. … read more

Local Review: Mustard Tiger/Satanic Hispanic

Local Review: Mustard Tiger/Satanic Hispanic

This grind/fastcore/powerviolence  split comes from two groups who don’t take themselves too seriously. Mustard Tiger, whose name is derived from an insult hurled during an episode of Trailer Park Boys, bring some raw jams to their side—and we’re talking raw. … read more

Local Review: Mkaio – The Devil Lived EP

Local Review: Mkaio – The Devil Lived EP

With production technology that is more accessible and as user-friendly as iOS7, comes an influx of artistic variety that can’t simply be described as “a subgenre of electronic music.” … read more

Local Review: Monkey Rum – Banished from the Garden

Local Review: Monkey Rum – Banished from the Garden

Banished from the Garden moves through so many genres and styles that it gets hard to pin these guys down as one genre or another. In that way, you could almost call this album a dad-rock melange, where distinctions between styles get lost in the blend of hair metal, glam rock and grunge. … read more

Local Review: m.duby – Tha Come UP

Local Review: m.duby – Tha Come UP

A self-described “musical genius and hip-hop aficionado,” m.duby has no lack of confidence as an aspiring artist in a city with a fairly small hip-hop scene—he’s even started his own label. … read more

Local Review: m.duby – Bird In The Cage

Local Review: m.duby – Bird In The Cage

m.duby is back at it on the local hip-hop scene, Bird In The Cage being his second release. It takes a more relaxed, adult direction than his first, Tha Come UP, with less emphasis on parties and heartbreak and more on becoming a better person and pushing forward. … read more

Local Review: Mideau – Way With Words EP

Local Review: Mideau – Way With Words EP

If you’ve been paying any bit of attention to the local indie scene this past year, you’ve already discovered the treasured musical delight that is Mideau. … read more