¡Vinyl Vive! Sacred Bones’ Caleb Braaten on Record Stores, Reissues and Vinyl

¡Vinyl Vive! Sacred Bones’ Caleb Braaten on Record Stores, Reissues...

Founded in 2007, Sacred Bones Records has grown from a small, independent label based in Brooklyn into a diverse community of international artists—with a range that includes the avant-pop star Zola Jesus, the psych-kraut of Psychic Ills, the dismantled post-punk of Pop. 1280 and The Men, coldwave outfits VÅR and Lust for Youth, and industrial noise fright Pharmakon. Though difficult to categorize, Sacred Bones releases are hooked through with fervent, often unsettling dedication to the craft and communal life of music. … read more

DVD Reviews

DVD Reviews

DVD reviews for ’83 US Festival Days 1-3 and What Makes Me Tic. … read more

Death Waltz Recording Company: An Interview with Spencer Hickman

Death Waltz Recording Company: An Interview with Spencer Hickman

Opening any release from Death Waltz Recording Company is like opening a fantastic gift—soundtracks to films both cult and lost, with bespoke tip-on jackets, detailed liner notes, unique artwork, lithographs and colorful variants, all combined to form an immensely rewarding multisensory experience. These records aren’t like many others: They’re special, rather than a reissue cash grab—and obviously the work of someone who loves what he’s doing. I spoke with Spencer Hickman, owner of Death Waltz, via Skype at 3 a.m. here, to make up for the time difference between the Mountain West and the UK. The conversation moved quickly, comfortably, and focused on one of my favorite topics—records. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Flying the Coup

Beautiful Godzilla: Flying the Coup

 I haven’t been to a bike event since last summer, I haven’t ridden my bike in three months, and the only time I get on SaltCycle is to hound its brainstorming capabilities for what to write this goddamn column about. … read more

Sounds From Out There: Records, Record Store Day And Singing Planets

Sounds From Out There: Records, Record Store Day And Singing...

Last September, the Voyager 1 left our solar system. That cold little coffin containing all of what mankind thought was important in 1977 is now careening through uncharted interstellar space. Onboard that space craft is a gold-plated phonographic record containing images and sounds that represent a fairly decent cross-section of human and animal life, as well as a record of some of our best scientific achievements up to that point. … read more

Mike Brown: Soccer, Beer and Piss Bombs—Kickin’ It with Nick Rimando

Mike Brown: Soccer, Beer and Piss Bombs—Kickin’ It with Nick...

According to my drunk friend, Danny, who is an RSL season ticket holder and sometimes takes me to games, Nick is “like, the best dude ever!” So I figured I’d better interview him. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Dead, Wrapped in Plastic—A Kat Martin Original

Princess Kennedy: Dead, Wrapped in Plastic—A Kat Martin Original

Becoming re-obsessed with Twin Peaks, posting nonstop about it on my various social medias, my fabulous artist friend, Kat Martin, suggested immortalizing myself as “dead, wrapped in plastic” in a piece of art. Kat Martin is an artist who, even though you may not realize, you’re most likely familiar with—because she’s part of every arts festival, craft fair and farmer’s market. … read more

The Coathangers: Suck My Shirt!

The Coathangers: Suck My Shirt!

“Sometimes I wish I could play drums way more technically better from a drummer’s standpoint, but I don’t think that would help me in The Coathangers. We have our own styles because we kind of just winged it—we just made it up,” says Rusty Coathanger (Stephanie Luke), drummer and vocalist for The Coathangers. “I think that’s what rock n’ roll is all about: It’s not necessarily conforming to this idea of rock n’ roll—it’s actually just who you are, presented in a musical fashion.”  … read more

The Demonstrably Modest Isaiah Rashad

The Demonstrably Modest Isaiah Rashad

I was gushing to Isaiah Rashad about his excellent new album, Cilvia Demo. A gauche, fanboy move I admit, but I couldn’t help myself. I went on about how there’s no filler, how it’s a “fully realized artistic statement” and so on. With all of that in mind, I wondered why he decided to call it an EP? … read more