Dear Dickheads – July 2013

Dear Dickheads – July 2013

I read the article on Salt City United in your June issue and my jaw dropped open. The author was clearly biased, or maybe too wrapped up in her shitty version of gonzo journalism and identity issues to see these assholes for what they truly are: a bunch of has-been nobodies trying to keep the “hardcore dream” alive by transferring their daddy issues and bully mentality to a different stage/stadium. … read more

SLC Bike Collective: It’s not about the Bike

SLC Bike Collective: It’s not about the Bike

Hailey Broussard has five kids, and, until 2008, taking care of them was her sole occupation. “I knew how to be Betty Crocker, and little else,” she says. She does not consider herself a cyclist, though she now spends every weekday leading mountain bike trips and wrenching on dummy bikes in a classroom of kids. As the youth director of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective, Broussard’s job revolves around bikes, but she and others at the Collective argue that the bicycle is part of a larger equation. It is a vehicle for getting around and a vehicle for building a connected and complex community. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Livin’ The Daydream

Beautiful Godzilla: Livin’ The Daydream

It’s taken over a decade, but all my daydreams came true a couple of months ago at the Monthly Mystery Ride.  … read more

Princess Kennedy: Fierce Realness

Princess Kennedy: Fierce Realness

Here is my hope for my fellow revelers/readers: This year at Pride, be your fiercely real self. I’m shouting out to everyone—gay, straight, whatever—Gay Pride is not only a celebration for us to be us, but for you to be you in your most real self. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Mission Accomplished – UAA Main Street Goes Out In Style

Gallery Stroll: Mission Accomplished – UAA Main Street Goes Out...

The announcement: “The Utah Arts Alliance announces ‘Mission Accomplished’ …” That mission: to bring life and creativity back to Main Street. Now making way for the Utah Performing Arts Center (UPAC), the UAA Main Street Gallery can and should feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in what they have helped inspire.  … read more

Contributor Limelight: Megan Kennedy

Contributor Limelight: Megan Kennedy
By ,

Since joining SLUG in March 2011, Megan Kennedy has become our resident metal maven and queen of all things geeky.  … read more

Beer Reviews

Beer Reviews

I don’t have to tell you all that it’s been a brutally hot summer. As we enter the most intense part of the summer’s heat, you may think it’s time to push aside the more flavorful beers in your arsenal in lieu of lighter, more “refreshing” beers. You could do this, but why sacrifice taste when you can have your beer and drink it, too? … read more

Written in Random: Parquet Courts

Written in Random: Parquet Courts

To me, “songwriting” usually evokes an image of deadbeat longhairs dinkin’ around on their instruments and crushing PBR cans one after the other, as any vestiges of the “creative process” dissipate into trite stereotypes of punk or indie musicians. Parquet Courts, however, generate images of notebooks and struggle. Guitarist and vocalist Austin Brown says, “[Andrew Savage (guitar/vocals) and I] both just write a lot … Through the practice of writing, sometimes, on those good days, I can sit down and a song will come out or a lyric will come out that I can feel inspired by later.”  … read more

R&R Barbecue: Award-Winning Eats

R&R Barbecue: Award-Winning Eats

Barbecue has always played by its own rules, which don’t usually coincide with those of most restaurants. It takes no shame in its finger-licking messiness, its closely guarded recipe secrets or its proclivity for gigantic portions. Be that as it may, I was present at KUER’s Savory Salt Lake event last June when R&R Barbecue took home both the Celebrity Judge and the People’s Choice awards—it was a moment that made me stop and take notice.  … read more

SLUG Holiday Comix – May 2013

SLUG Holiday Comix – May 2013

Jess Smart Smiley shows us the fun of biking in Utah. … read more