Contributor Limelight: Madelyn Boudreaux

Contributor Limelight: Madelyn Boudreaux

Our resident Goth aficionado, bred from the wetlands of Louisiana, Madelyn has been on our staff since 2009, reviewing everything dark and dismal that shuffles through the SLUG offices. Don’t let her penchant for doom and gloom fool you, though––she’s also an avid foodie with a soft spot for ethnic cuisine, and her warm descriptions of the food she reviews always have us drooling. … read more

Localized: The Insurgency and Hectic Hobo

Localized: The Insurgency and Hectic Hobo

This month’s Localized, on June 15, showcases two hard-rocking groups of completely different spectrums. Salty old-school punkers The Insurgency and dusty vagabond gypsies Hectic Hobo will share the stage and are sure to generate two sets you can easily jerk your limbs to. To round out the evening, indie-blues cross-pollinators The Red on Black will be opening. Per usual, the event is 21+ at Urban Lounge, free until 10:30 p.m. then $5 at the door. The show is presented by, the ultimate online-viewing tube for you underage babies, child-addled hermits and those in faraway lands. … read more

Dear Dickheads – June 2013

Dear Dickheads – June 2013

Dear Gotti,
As the roommate of two lesbians, I feel ya, man. Imagine two sets of pitchy groans …and this is what it really comes down to … IMAGINE two sets of pitchy groans. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Five Lessons For Loving Art

Gallery Stroll: Five Lessons For Loving Art

You’ve heard the cliché: “If you love it, set it free.” Well, that really doesn’t apply to loving art. … read more

The Concrete Waves of the Great Salt Lake

The Concrete Waves of the Great Salt Lake

Hill bombing is the foundation of skateboarding. Sometime in the early 1950s, California surfers started unscrewing the trucks from their roller skates and began attaching them to carved planks of wood in an effort to figure out how to surf the streets. Skateboards were skinnier then and had clay wheels, but they still got the job done. Searching for the perfect concrete wave when the ocean lay flat became a daily occurrence among the California natives, until pool skating got big in the ’70s. You see, cruising hills wasn’t like the skate park back then—it was the skate park. Since that time, the concrete wave has only grown. … read more

Disillusion Tour 2013: O’Brother Takes the Spotlight

Disillusion Tour 2013: O’Brother Takes the Spotlight

Atlanta-based experimental rock band O’Brother has gained an amazing amount of traction in a short time, releasing their first EP, The Death of Day, with the current lineup in 2009, and their first full-length, Garden Window, in 2011. Touring with bands as big as Manchester Orchestra, Thrice and even Alice In Chains, these guys are finally taking on a headlining tour of their own in support of their sophomore release, the excellent Disillusion. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Back to the Basic: Gallery Strolling at UMOCA

Gallery Stroll: Back to the Basic: Gallery Strolling at UMOCA

UMOCA, located at 20 S. West Temple, has been the foundation for contemporary art in Utah since 1931. With four gallery spaces featuring international, national and local art, you’re likely to see something that inspires, delights or touches you—usually a little of each. … read more

Design of the Devil’s Hand? Diabolical Affinities Through Printmaking

Design of the Devil’s Hand? Diabolical Affinities Through Printmaking

Before we begin, I’d like to start with an invo- cation, and invite you to ponder what the Devil means to you. Do cliché images of red creatures with horns, wings and flames come to mind? Per- haps images of Norwegian black metal come through, as churches burn in flames and pagans flirt with death? Or maybe Lucifer is just some simple dude who goes bowling on weeknights.  … read more

SLUG Holiday Comix – August 2013

SLUG Holiday Comix – August 2013

 Celebrate Vesuvius Day on Aug. 24 by enjoying a delicious molten chocolate lava cake!  … read more

Dear Dickheads – February 2013

Dear Dickheads – February 2013

Dear Dickheads,
I’m currently dating a local musician. I’ve always had a personal rule to stay away from them, but this one was too cute to resist. I was wondering if you might have some advice on how to avoid the usual things that come with a relationship with a “rock star.” … read more