DVD Reviews

DVD Reviews

DVD review of “Ron Asheton – Tribute Concert with Iggy & The Stooges and Special Guests.” … read more

Video Game Reviews 4/13

Video Game Reviews 4/13

The Bridge and DmC: Devil May Cry are reviewed. … read more

Review: Old Wounds

Review: Old Wounds

There is a certain, special je ne sais quoi about the sound that Jersey-based Old Wounds deliver. It’s not new or groundbreaking, nor is it a completely tried-and-true homage to some old hardcore sound. Devastatingly simple, it is heavy music stripped to its rotted bones and delivered without pretense or gimmick. … read more

Gabe Spotts: Pushing through the Ranks

Gabe Spotts: Pushing through the Ranks

Gabe Spotts has become the next and newest Am to rise up from the Provo area. Like his friends and heroes Matt Fisher and Brodie Penrod, Spotts is hoping to garner enough attention to eventually get him out of the suburbs and into the big city. With the help of his sponsors, which include local companies Fortica Skateboards, Discrete Headwear, Skullcandy and Board of Provo, Spotts has been keeping the Utah scene relevant through traveling and competing on the amateur circuit. … read more

Summer in the Winter: Words with Logan Summers

Summer in the Winter: Words with Logan Summers

The origin of Logan Summers’ skate career isn’t typical. He got his first skateboard for his birthday when he was about 7, only to let it collect dust for another year or so. Then, for no reason that he could recall, he picked it back up, telling me, “I kinda did it on my own, for the most part. I didn’t really have any friends that [skated].” Now, kid is prolific, skating in national amateur competitions like the Damn Ams and Tampa Am, and wrangling big sponsorships. … read more

Beer Reviews 4/13

Beer Reviews 4/13

Any beer that you manage to get your hands on has its own little sliver of history to go along with it. I’m not talking about beers being made with the brewer’s “beard yeast” or some crazed fringe zymurgist deciding to throw yak testicles into his latest stout—I’m talking about culturally significant reasons why one region’s beer is so much different than anothers. Looking back on Lenten season (the six weeks leading up to Easter), I thought it would be appropriate to review some beers that were originally designed especially for Lent. … read more

Mike Brown: The Mustang Experience

Mike Brown: The Mustang Experience

After driving a souped-up Mustang GT around the racetrack at the Larry Miller Motorsports Park last week, I should have said I wanted to be a goddamn racecar driver. … read more

Finding My Pioneer Roots

Finding My Pioneer Roots

I had wanted to be involved with the annual Beer Issue since its conception, but there was always one glaring problem: I don’t drink beer.  As SLUG Magazine’s Highest Ranking Mormon ™, I was limited in what I could contribute. I had always been obsessed with the process of making beer (much like early Mormons were until that whole “Word of Wisdom” thing came along) and was intrigued by the culture of local home brewing. As I looked into it, I realized that, with an increase in home beer production, there was also an increase in the number of brewers that wanted to share the experience with their kids—albeit in a non-alcoholic way. Thus, I found my calling: I would brew my own root beer. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: I Am Not an Athlete

Beautiful Godzilla: I Am Not an Athlete

Yes, people, I signed up for OKCupid, the online-dating website. Since I spend a decent amount of time on a bicycle and/or organizing bicycle events (and writing a column about bicycles), that’s obviously something I added to the interests portion of my profile. After getting a handful of messages from “granola” types whose profiles lauded cringe-inducing key words like “hiking,” “climbing,” “camping” and “outdoors,” I realized I was inaccurately marketing myself as athletic. … read more

Product Reviews 4/13

Product Reviews 4/13

Products from Arnette Sunglasses, Braven, Goal Zero, Xotovo and Zensah are reviewed this month. … read more