Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Bond On Set: Filming Skyfall by Greg Williams, Erik Parker: Colorful Resistance  by Mónica Ramírez-Montagut, Iron Maiden: The Ultimate Unauthorized History of the Beast by Neil Daniels and The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard are reviewed this month. … read more

Summer of Death: Urban Surfin’

Summer of Death: Urban Surfin’

Some people believe skateboarding to be an art. Others would say that jumping around on a wooden toy is a monumental waste of time. I say, every minute you are skateboarding is a minute that you aren’t stealing an old lady’s purse. In celebration of not making an octogenarian your prey, the 14th annual Summer of Death Presented by Scion had its first contest of the year on Saturday, July 20, paired with the Urban Arts Festival. … read more

Mashin’ and Thrashin’ with FOAD Fixed

Mashin’ and Thrashin’ with FOAD Fixed

I interviewed Sam in 2011 for SLUG—our first FGFS rider profile. Sam was the first of the crew to start riding fixed about seven years ago, when most of them were sophomores in high school. Jackson started the blog on nearly two years ago as a way to post their edits and connect with the FGFS community outside of Salt Lake, beginning with a video of Evan. That’s when FOAD became official. … read more

A Killer View from The Green Pig Pub

A Killer View from The Green Pig Pub

Let’s say you’re bored one night. It’s a weeknight in Salt Lake City and you have zero to do. Never mind that stack of homework or business expense whatevers on your desk. You want to watch the sportsball game on TV! And have a beer! And play pub trivia! Then you want to listen to a band! During all this, you want a burger because it’s your cheat day. Luckily for you, there is one place in town that does all of the above, not only once a week, but nearly every day. That place, this mecca of entertainment and food, is The Green Pig Pub. … read more

Video Game Reviews 5/13

Video Game Reviews 5/13

Real Racing 3 and Warframe are reviewed this month. … read more

Localized – March 2013

Localized – March 2013

If you haven’t experienced Localized yet, now is the time to start. March 8 at Urban Lounge welcomes the genre-bending Lady Murasaki and the playful Secret Abilities. There won’t be any similarities in sound between the sets, but both these bands will make you want to move your body. If that’s not enough to spark your interest, consider this: Strange rockers 90s Television will be opening, and it’s only $5, 21+ to get in the door. … read more

Baroness: Unbroken Remains

Baroness: Unbroken Remains

On Aug. 15, 2012, Baroness’ tour bus plunged 30 feet from atop a viaduct near Bath, England, injuring all nine passengers. Miraculously, everyone on the bus survived, though no one emerged unscathed. Despite this accident, frontman John Baizley moves forward, saying, “In an effort to move past that and get to somewhere a bit more rewarding than pitiful, our goal is, quite simply put, to be known as a good live touring band.” … read more

Cairo Foster: Keeping it Fun

Cairo Foster: Keeping it Fun

With a couple of decades of skateboarding under his belt, Etnies’ Cairo Foster is a guy who will indefinitely go down as one of the best and most consistent in the sport. Going from a technical skateboarder to a burly speed hound who will jump down anything, Foster has put in some serious work over the years, and has no intention of slowing down. … read more

Dear Dickheads – April 2013

Dear Dickheads – April 2013

Dear Dickheads,
I think its about time we addressed the pollution levels in Utah and along the Wasatch Front by putting the governor and mayors up to confronting a serious health problem that they continue to dance around with words instead of actions. … read more

Les Madeleines: Savoring is Encouraged

Les Madeleines: Savoring is Encouraged

Throughout my culinary journeys, I’ve had the pleasure of coming across a few establishments that are holding out against the growing tide of mass-produced faux meat and trafficking cryogenically frozen vegetables from halfway across the country. These are restaurants where food is prepared to be enjoyed, not scarfed. Les Madeleines has been around for a decade, and I wish I had taken advantage of its complete culinary catalogue much earlier than I did. … read more