MickDeth Richard Morris – 03.09.78 to 06.02.13

MickDeth Richard Morris – 03.09.78 to 06.02.13

Mick must have been about 12 or 13 when he first started coming into The Heavy Metal Shop. I remember that he was with his mom and grandma. They would buy him T-shirts––of course, Mick would pick out Cannibal Corpse, Slayer and Samhain shirts. Like most kids, the gorier, bloodier or most offensive shirts were the ones he picked, especially if Mom was buying them. I usually get the evil eye from the mothers, like it’s my fault. Mick’s mom and grandma were the opposite of that––they were so nice. I would see them quite often and was always happy to see them. They were very supportive of Mick’s interest in music and understood how important it was to him. … read more

Anthony Lucero: Feeding the Art Monster

Anthony Lucero: Feeding the Art Monster

When the last bell rang at Valley Christian School in Kearns, 8-year-old Anthony Lucero gathered his things just like the rest of the students. Only instead of heading for the door to be free until the next morning, Lucero headed to another part of the building. Lucero and his friend Garritt Tucker, whose mom was also a teacher at the school, needed a way to pass the time each day. The two of them would unfold sheets of computer paper—the kind that was attached together with feed strips down each side—lay them out and just draw.
  … read more

Sumo Bots: Robot Fanatics Unite

Sumo Bots: Robot Fanatics Unite

Whether you’ll admit it or not, you’ve walked the city wondering why giant robots aren’t pouring out of alleyways battling to save the galaxy. Sumo Bots at Craft Lake City DIY Festival are giving you the opportunity to witness this on the miniature scale. Contestants who have constructed their own miniature monsters will drop them in a ring with the goal of pushing the enemy out of the circle, for all of the cyber glory this city has to offer. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Alex Cragun

Contributor Limelight: Alex Cragun

There’s dedication, and then there are diehards: Alex Cragun received his degree in Political Science in 2011 after writing for the Daily Utah Chronicle, which has led him to being the Vice President of the Young Democrats of Utah, a Spring Fellow for the Obama Campaign and a manager for the Seegmiller for Congress Campaign in 2012. Cragun practices the type of work ethic SLUG loves, and we were quick to snatch him up in October of 2011 as a copy editor. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Weston Colton

Contributor Limelight: Weston Colton
By ,

Weston Colton has been a trusted skate photographer for SLUG Magazine since 2007. … read more



This month’s Localized features the dynamic lineup of Eons and Oxcross, with Yaktooth opening up. Drop what you’re doing on April 12 and come check out these up-and-comers rage real hard at Urban Lounge. 10 p.m., 21+, $5. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for Attempting Normal, Black Sabbath: Pioneers of Heavy Metal, and Sugar House Review #7. … read more

National Music Reviews – January 2013

National Music Reviews – January 2013

Releases from Amenra, Big Dipper, How To Destroy Angels, Old Man Markley, Pere Ubu, Teh Vaccines, Vomitor and more are reviewed. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Gabe Dussurre

Skate Photo Feature: Gabe Dussurre

Somehow, in all my years in and around the Utah skate scene, I had never met or even heard of Gabe Dussurre until a few months ago. Apparently, not only has he been around a long time, but he’s also been really good at skating for a long time. I had no idea. … read more

Product Reviews 2/13

Product Reviews 2/13

Products from EK USA, Kate’s Real Food, Lacrosse Footwear, Polarmax and PowerA are reviewed. … read more