Thai for Two: Tasty Thai

Thai for Two: Tasty Thai

Tasty Thai specializes in curries dominated by strong flavors that have the ancient earthiness of Thai, but also a tang of vinegar and fresh ingredients, sunlight-bright on the tongue and sour enough to draw happy tears. Fresh rainforest smells dominate the vocabulary of many of the more common dishes served here, and some of the more uncommon dishes are great versions of what I think of as homey. … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Vandalism

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Vandalism

Something is happening to my social circle as my life moves into its early 30s. I’m losing friends at an astronomical rate—not because I’m becoming more of a dick as I get older (I am), and not to drugs and alcohol (those two things bring friends together). No, I’m losing friends to what I like to call the two “Ms”: Marriages and Mortgages. … read more

The Cultural Hall Podcast: Mormons on Mormons

The Cultural Hall Podcast: Mormons on Mormons

Listeners of X96’s popular Radio From Hell show are familiar with the dulcet tones of Richie T. Steadman, though he is often unheralded as the fourth member of the RFH team. As an active member of the LDS Church, Steadman provides the show with a unique insight on issues that affect a large portion of Utah’s community, without being a dick about it. In an effort to expand the dialogue about these issues, Steadman founded a podcast called The Cultural Hall.
  … read more

Quadruple Your Fun: Utah’s Four Freshest Brewpubs

Quadruple Your Fun: Utah’s Four Freshest Brewpubs

When I reached the legal drinking age, I joked about aspiring to have a beer gut. I have always been a real scrawny guy with the metabolism of a hummingbird, so I figured I’d never consume enough beer to develop any visible bulge in my midsection. Half a dozen years later, the Utah craft beer scene directly correlates with my budding beer belly. Always eager to try new booze, the Kirkland brothers hit the road to see what’s brewing out in the desert of eastern Utah, on the edge of the Great Salt Lake and up the hill in the Avenues.  … read more

All That Is Left: The Left Show Celebrates 100 Episodes

All That Is Left: The Left Show Celebrates 100 Episodes

Somewhere in West Jordan, in an underground bunker, a man is making dick jokes. For over 100 episodes, the guys at The Left Show have been dishing up the pressing political issues of the day, all the while piling on an insurmountable amount of self-deprecating humor. … read more

The Beehive Brew-off: Beer Making with the Best of ‘Em

The Beehive Brew-off: Beer Making with the Best of ‘Em

People have considered “Utah beer” to be an oxymoron for many years, yet the craft-brewing scene here has evolved into a multi-faceted marketplace. Leading the charge are the home brewers. Jamie Burnham, manager of Salt Lake City’s The Beer Nut, saw a break in the clouds as an opportunity to capitalize on the uniting power of beer—in August of 2009, the first annual Beehive Brew-off was held, with over 300 entries being judged. It was a testament to the pent-up creativity that had been lying in wait, ready to be released upon the world.  … read more

Pounding the Pavement: A Day with Kwami Adzitso

Pounding the Pavement: A Day with Kwami Adzitso

Calm, cool and collected: That’s the best way to describe Kwami Adzitso. He’s a humble dude just looking to have the most fun he can, doing what he loves––and that is skateboarding. Kwami is the kind of kid who would get as hyped on nollie heel flipping a ten stair as he would on half cabbing a parking block. If it involves skating, Kwami is there, and chances are, he will be rifling off tricks one after another. … read more

I Am Salt Lake Podcast: The Larry King Live of SLC

I Am Salt Lake Podcast: The Larry King Live of...

Chris Holifield has worked hard to dispel ideas that Salt Lake City is a boring place to be by creating the I Am Salt Lake Podcast: a truly unique show that features local businesses, musicians and everyday people who make Salt Lake such an amazing city. As a non-native, Holifield sees the city through different eyes and believes that the people here are inspiring. He considers himself the “Larry King of Salt Lake City,” and he wants to hear your story. … read more

SLUG Holiday Comix – April 2013

SLUG Holiday Comix – April 2013

This month, Chris Bodily teaches us all about April showers and Mayflowers. … read more

Video Game Reviews

Video Game Reviews

Reviews for Far Cry 3 and the new app version of Sonic the Hedgehog. … read more