Baby Ghosts: Pop-Punk Poltergeists

Baby Ghosts: Pop-Punk Poltergeists

Part Provo and part Salt Lake, the aggro-adorable music of Baby Ghosts exists in a nebulous world where pop-punk, cuddlecore, anime, garage rock and 8-bit video games coalesce into a perfect party soundtrack. The co-ed four piece utilizes three of its members as vocalists—singing, screaming and harmonizing playful yet thoughtful lyrics over bouncy melodies that give way to some certifiably shredding guitar work. The band has a wide appeal, equally embraced by the more indie rock-oriented crowds of Velour as well as the blossoming Provo hardcore scene. … read more

SLUG Holiday Comix – January 2013

SLUG Holiday Comix – January 2013

Local artist Trishelle Jeffery helps us ring in the new year in the latest installment of SLUG Holiday Comix. … read more

“It’s All Heartfelt and Shit”: Best Friends Forever Takes Slamdance

“It’s All Heartfelt and Shit”: Best Friends Forever Takes Slamdance

Best Friends Forever is an indie film that blends together dark comedy, sci-fi and horror into a road trip—in a ’76 AMC Pacer—which takes place during a nuclear apocalypse. Co-written by Brea Grant and Vera Miao, BFF is an examination of what’s truly important in life. In a video from the film’s website, Miao describes BFF by saying, “It’s all heartfelt and shit,” and anyone who has had a “BFF” before knows that’s a perfect description of a good friendship. … read more

Head Room: Comadre Unleashes Comadre

Head Room: Comadre Unleashes Comadre

“We write until we feel like we don’t have good ideas anymore,” says Jack Shirley, guitarist of the Bay Area punk band, Comadre. For a band that has put out three previous, full-length albums, splits with Trainwreck and Glasses, five mixtapes, an EP and a self-titled record out Jan. 8 on Vitriol Records, it’s clear that they are nowhere near a drought of creativity. What’s more is that Comadre have underpinned their existence with a tenure of DIY ethics, having self-released all of their releases up until this one on Bloodtown Records. … read more

Photo Feature: Dylan Thompson

Photo Feature: Dylan Thompson

I can’t believe it’s 2013 and I’m writing about the fact that Alta still won’t allow snowboarders on its slopes. If anyone would have bet me 25 years ago that weed would be completely legal in a few states, gay people could marry and we’d have a two-term black president before Alta would cave in and finally allow snowboarding, I would have most certainly taken that wager. And that’s why I’m not a betting man. … read more

Photo Feature: Mike Murdock

Photo Feature: Mike Murdock

What I said before about going out with a real tight plan to get a photo––that doesn’t always work.  Sometimes, after an exhausting hour of trying the planned trick, you decide to move on and try something else. Sometimes you strike gold and end up with something better than the plan. Mike Murdock struck gold at this barely skateable bump. … read more

Building Boards After Dark

Building Boards After Dark

After Dark Skateboards is a new, thriving project in the Salt Lake City community. Owner, creator and visionary Mark Judd brings his fine-tuned woodworking expertise from the cabinetry industry to his passion for skateboarding, making some of the highest-quality handmade skateboards in America. On an almost daily basis, you will find Judd slaving away at his craft, making sure every After Dark skateboard is pressed, shaped, printed and packaged to meet his personal standard. … read more

Princess Kennedy: The Great Wig-Out of 2013

Princess Kennedy: The Great Wig-Out of 2013

Cleopatra had hers dyed with saffron, the ancient Romans made them for their statues, Baroque times dictated men wear them, and women adorned them with the most preposterous scenes. Pastiche, peruke, rug, weave, periwig or toupee: Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of wigs! … read more

Beautiful Godzila: Down Here, It’s Our Time—It’s Our Time, Down Here

Beautiful Godzila: Down Here, It’s Our Time—It’s Our Time, Down...

A cloud of warm air forces its way through the loose loops of yarn on the crocheted scarf covering my mouth as I pull my bike out of the shed. What doesn’t make it past my mom’s needlework fills in pockets of moist heat around my face, providing a comforting sensation in contrast to the dry freeze that’s stinging my uncovered eyes. I’m wearing enough layers to regret the extra hoodie after the first hill, but if I’d tensed from a single shiver walking out the door, I might’ve changed my mind and stayed in. Besides, the only humans awake at this hour to witness my pit stains and matted hair are busy with someone’s hand up their skirt in the back of a cab. … read more

Gallery Stroll – January 2013

Gallery Stroll – January 2013

Highly regarded artists Scotty Soltronic and Anthony Granato will be warming up our cold, winter night with solo shows at the Utah Arts Alliance and the Gray Wall Gallery. … read more