
It’s been thirteen years since their inception, and now ambient French post-metal outfit ASIDEFROMADAY is poised to conquer new territories with their hugely impactful latest release Chasing Shadows. SLUG had the opportunity to the band about their new offerings (including their first music video), how they’ve sustained their longevity in such a fickle industry, and what ASIDEFROMADAY has in store for their hungry fan base this year. … read more

The Deathwish Video Premiere @ The Post Theater 04.21

The Deathwish Video Premiere @ The Post Theater 04.21

After five years in the making, The Deathwish Video is here. An opening part from Salt Lake native Lizard King, who was in attendance, set the bar high, and it was on from there.  … read more

Watsky @ Kilby Court 04.19 DJ Dstrukt, Dumbfoundead

Watsky @ Kilby Court 04.19 DJ Dstrukt, Dumbfoundead

With boundless energy and more talent and charisma than any one person should have, Watsky had the crowd eating out of his hand from the second he stepped in the door.  … read more

Dishcrawl Park City 04.17

Dishcrawl Park City 04.17

Utah’s inaugural Dishcrawl was spearheaded by Park City local Rebecca Noel, who recognized the Beehive State’s growing food culture. Attendees were treated to four restaurants in the city’s historic Main Street district: Chimayo, High West Distillery & Saloon, The Mustang and Zoom.   … read more

Artist Talk: Kevin Red Star @ UMFA 04.18

Artist Talk: Kevin Red Star @ UMFA 04.18

Since February and continuing through August, the Utah Musuem of Fine Arts will be exhibiting Bierstadt to Warhol: American Indians in the West: a collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures that portray the Native American experience, including works by natives and non-natives. … read more

OCTOBER, The Circulars, Jason Dickerson, Amy Childress @ Bar Deluxe 04.17

OCTOBER, The Circulars, Jason Dickerson, Amy Childress @ Bar Deluxe...

A dollhouse set ablaze, the fumes of burning paint and polyester choking my lungs until the flames are smothered with shot glasses of tears and piles of broken vanity mirror glass and skittles until a smoldering mass remains, the ashes blown away with a faint sound of wind chimes. This is how it feels to hear Amy Childress read from her photocopied zine on the Bar Deluxe stage on Wednesday night, April 17. … read more

alt-J @ The Complex 04.22 with Wildcat! Wildcat!

alt-J @ The Complex 04.22 with Wildcat! Wildcat!

alt-J’s music is what I imagine extraterrestrials would compose in response to the music they’ve been listening to our satellites spew for the past couple of decades, as a gift and an offer to communicate. … read more

Bennewitz Quartet @ Libby Gardner Concert Hall 04.17

Bennewitz Quartet @ Libby Gardner Concert Hall 04.17

The Bennewitz Quartet have been together since 1998 when they met at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, and are named after the Czech violinist Antonin Bennewitz. The concert started with Ravel’s “Quartet in F Major,” which felt consistently boyish throughout.  … read more

Excision @ Saltair 04.19

Excision @ Saltair 04.19

After hearing all about how Excision’s new tour would be pumping 100,000 watts of sound into the indoor venue that is The Great Saltair, I have to admit I was a little scared. The level of volume is comparable to a commercial jet taking off, a lesser amount of sound was rumored to have caused a toilet to crumble off of the wall during his last Saltair show in October. In other words, Excision’s latest tour is one for thrill seekers. … read more

Vamp U Movie Review

Vamp U Movie Review

For a crudely-constructed independent vampire comedy, Vamp U is funnier and more entertaining than it has any right to be. … read more