FirstGlance Film Review: The Derby Girls

FirstGlance Film Review: The Derby Girls

“Some girls were meant to be princesses, and some girls were meant to knock princesses on their ass, and skate away laughing.”
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FirstGlance Film Review: Unlaced

FirstGlance Film Review: Unlaced

It’s not too often that a film deals with the subject of domestic violence with the male being the victim, but Unlaced does a nice job showing how destructive it can be, no matter which partner is being abused.
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FaltyDL @ The Depot 04.27 with James Blake

FaltyDL @ The Depot 04.27 with James Blake

I walked into The Depot’s stage room hearing the same synth key pulsing. It was great to build anticipation, but what I saw was being talked about in the audience more than the music. … read more

Bonobo @ Urban Lounge 04.27 with El Ten Eleven

Bonobo @ Urban Lounge 04.27 with El Ten Eleven

With a heavy click, the smooth sounds of Bonobo filtered through the musky crowd. Ten vertical panels with thousands of tiny LEDs panned a wave of light across Green’s back and the faces of his onlookers.  … read more

Local Reviews: Some Beasts

Local Reviews: Some Beasts

A nostalgic tinkering oxf an orchestral kind, this album is bursting with delectable sounds. From tambourines to pots and pans to castanets to delayed acoustic guitars, the music is extremely varied and colorful. The energy that is channeled throughout the album is of such a marvelous kind that it’s almost hard to believe.  … read more

Local Reviews: The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle

Local Reviews: The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle

Michael Biggs’ (aka The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle) music requires patience, but that patience is rewarded with intrigue. Divided into three movements, Biggs starts the set with “Room (Dream),” a fairly grumbling, sometimes explosive, sub-frequency driven mix of oscillated gestures and reedy snippets. … read more

Local Reviews: The Archer’s Apple

Local Reviews: The Archer’s Apple

Many a local band in Salt Lake City is starting to sound like they’re from Oklahoma. For the record: I once lived in the Midwest and it’s a shitty part of the country.  … read more

Local Reviews: Bears on Parade/Everywhere

Local Reviews: Bears on Parade/Everywhere

Although I don’t find the music incredibly interesting, I love this split on principle. Insert a Plug into a Socket is a DIY, hand-dubbed, tape-only release with typewritten j-cards and a rattlecan colored cassette shell. Now don’t get me wrong—these bands are excellent at what they do, but there’s only so much of this drifty, ambien(t) music I can take before I nod off into a content slumber. … read more

Local Reviews: Ryan Schoeck

Local Reviews: Ryan Schoeck

Production on this album ends in a place where I wish more music would. Time went into making and producing this record, yes, but it hasn’t been polished to the point that it’s a work of aesthetics. … read more

Local Reviews: The Awful Truth – March 2010

Local Reviews: The Awful Truth – March 2010

Newcomer to the Salt Lake folk and indie scene, Brent Colbert (and friends) will fit in nicely.  … read more