Local Reviews: Books about UFOs

Local Reviews: Books about UFOs

People say that Books about UFOs is a garage group, and the band cites 13th Floor Elevators as an influence, but they couldn’t sound less psychedelic if they tried.  If you go into this expecting to hear anything even close to The Sonics or The Reigning Sound, you’ll be pretty dissatisfied.  … read more

Local Reviews: Sleep Slid IN

Local Reviews: Sleep Slid IN

Tragic and big gothic rock doesn’t happen anymore. It’s just not ironic enough these days. Apparently, Sleep Slid IN didn’t get the memo, and thank the gods for that! … read more

Local reviews: Chris DeVito

Local reviews: Chris DeVito

Opening track “No Sense of Rhythm” starts this album off promisingly with propulsive drums and taut New Wave guitar, culminating in an arena-era Police-esque chorus.  Considering Chris DeVito learned drums to record this album, it’s impressive how percussion-centered the album is.  … read more

Local Reviews: Striation

Local Reviews: Striation

If Striation could learn the difference between brooding and moody, “Memories We’ll Keep” could have been a great radio single 10 years ago. I am not being sarcastic, “Memories We’ll Keep” has the loud-soft dynamic, reverby vocals, driving bass and simple power chords that dominated the ubiquitous, qualifier-driven alternative rock of the late nineties. … read more

Local Reviews: Data Booty

Local Reviews: Data Booty

I have listened to this tape over 1000 times now, no joke. There is something about booty house music that is so refreshing in a world of music where everyone takes themselves so seriously. MSSV Music has probably the best lineup of artists testing out new musical paths right now, and they offer free mixtapes from their site regularly.  … read more

Local Reviews: Arsenic Addiction

Local Reviews: Arsenic Addiction

Any band that has a song titled “Bruce Campbell” is cool with me, even if it’s only a minute long. In all seriousness, Salt Lake City’s Arsenic Addiction leave listeners wanting more instead of less with their EP Requiem of the Fallen. The band plays a nice, modern metal melodic/heavy mix with no damn chugga chugga breakdowns, thank goodness. … read more

Local Reviews: V/A

Local Reviews: V/A

The size, popularity and volatility of the Salt Lake hardcore scene has ebbed and flowed over the years, and it only takes a cursory glance at the posts on grudgecityactivities.com to realize this. However volatile and large or small, the scene is (I remember packed shows at Bricks back in the late 90s and small shows in band practice spaces) something that is never absent is intensity. … read more

Local Reviews: Written in Fire

Local Reviews: Written in Fire

I’ve never felt any personal opposition to the recent thrash revival some of us metal fans have been noticing. Written in Fire are not purely a thrash band, but the influences are heavy in every way and I find myself enjoying them quite a bit. … read more

Local Reviews: Exer Ovu

Local Reviews: Exer Ovu

Exer Ovu, the acoustic music project of Derek Griffith, uniquely combines the energy of acoustic punk with the flamboyance of freak folk.  Griffith has an expressive voice that he uses mostly to good effect, notably on opener “You’re Making Me Nervous,” a minute-long blast of hoarse four-chord punk.   … read more

Local Reviews: The .bLARE”

Local Reviews: The .bLARE”

Every unpaid music critic dreams of writing a critical review of a band’s early release that prompts them to make prescribed changes and then go on to great glory. I know this is a mirage, but still …The .bLARE”, let’s chat. Like any first time director, you have a great first act, but have no clue how to follow that up. … read more