Local Reviews: Big Gun Baby

Local Reviews: Big Gun Baby

This five-song EP contains three original tracks and two remixes. Big Gun Baby is run by two members – Jaycee, who is in charge of the sexy singing over the drum track beats and Greame, who provides the power chord guitar. The three songs definitely have a late-nineties dance rock vibe to them. … read more

Local Reviews: Jacket Weather/ The Highwire Act/ I Hear Sirens

Local Reviews: Jacket Weather/ The Highwire Act/ I Hear Sirens

Three different bands (no side projects of one musician) separately recorded three songs and then combined their efforts to put out a well-polished and goodlooking album. Jacket Weather is a culmination of four talented guys who listen to a lot of The Promise Ring or Stella Brass.  … read more

Local Reviews: Muscle Hawk

Local Reviews: Muscle Hawk

This band is fucking hot to trot. Two guys on synths/computers plus one lady on the drums formulates the perfect combination for a dance party. There is a reason one of their songs is called “Cocaine,” because MH is audio base. … read more

Local Reviews: Paper Cranes & The Doom Machine DVD

Local Reviews: Paper Cranes & The Doom Machine DVD

Is Provo the next hotbed for noise music? The stark conservatism mixed with a large number of youth should make for a loud and subversive subculture. Where are the artists? Are they afraid to take off their headphones? Luckily for Provo, the folks at A. Star brought a little chaos down south to test the waters. … read more

Local Reviews: Shark Speed

Local Reviews: Shark Speed

Oh boy!! Another band with shark in the name. I am starting to think that the whole shark thing in the band name might be getting a bit over used. One thing that is comforting: this band is really good. Their sound is basically Franz Ferdinand mixed with The Appleseed Cast, who they opened up for at Kilby Court back on Feb. 20. These guys are dope-fresh.  … read more

Local Reviews: Shark That Got Her

Local Reviews: Shark That Got Her

I want to start off with stating that Shark That Got Her has the coolest band name in the whole state of Utah. I have always been a sucker for band names with shark in them, i.e. Sharks Keep Moving and Bear vs. Shark. Getting back on subject, STGH sound nothing like the two previous bands mentioned. … read more

Local Reviews: The Black Arrows

Local Reviews: The Black Arrows

My immediate thoughts on listening to this were, “Why?” and then the follow up, “Why does the world need more chick pop?” I believe the answer is money. At least we got to see the lead singer of Paramore’s boobs Tweeted, but I don’t think local broad Ashley Rae will be doing that anytime soon to make her music more exciting.  … read more

Local Reviews: Killbot

Local Reviews: Killbot

Killbot’s back with insatiable metal hunger in The Horror E.P. Deavy Metal eases us into the mayhem with a gorgeous classical guitar intro in “Beware the Moon,” which is riddled with howls from a werewolf and the whimpers of victims-to-be. … read more

Local Reviews: Laserfang

Local Reviews: Laserfang

Laserfang opens their album the way that most bands would close a set after a multi-song encore. The first track on the album, “Master Control Program” starts with a minute-long musical instrument orgy before diving into a funky, electro-infused dance party.  … read more

Local Reviews: Problem Daughter

Local Reviews: Problem Daughter

I’m a little disappointed that it took me this long to find out about this band. Problem Daughter delivers catchy-as-hell punk rock atop major-key chord progressions with fun upbeat instrumental work. What’s interesting is that the actual words that singer Regan Ashton belts out in songs like “Good Friends” aren’t what initially seize our attention, but, rather, his timbre and comfort with his melodies—he demonstrates his vocal skills with a balance of scratchy and melodic singing.  … read more