Month: April 2013
Local Reviews: Lindsay +INFLUENZI+ Heath
Lindsay Heath is an artist entirely in her own right, comparisons to other female pianists aside. When not busy adding her unique talents drumming and playing to the arsenal of others, she unlocks her own powers on personal projects like this. … read more
Local Reviews: Loom
Salt Lake music fans would have to have lived under a rock (or maybe in a stake center) to miss seeing Loom’s name on a marquee or show flier. The most indie of Broship is back, sporting a more refined and matured sound in Selva Molhada via Exigent Records. … read more
Local Reviews: The Mooks
For nerdy, awkward, sexually frustrated teen males, there is no better genre than the kind of pop-punk with “whoa-ohs” and only three chords. On The Snuggle Sessions, The Mooks have created a style of music that makes me want to go back and relive the part of my life when I listened to The Descendents and The Ramones every day, but without the part where talking to girls almost made me throw up. … read more
Local Reviews: Opal Hill Drive
Rumor has it this record took eight years to release. What was the big hold up? I’m sorry, but at this stage in your music career, you should be pushing as hard as you can. … read more
Local Reviews: Two and a Half White Guys
Given the average lifespan of most local bands, and especially local ska bands, it’s amazing that Two and Half White Guys are still around. What’s even more amazing is that they’re still really, really good. On the Gringos’ new album, they use their signature blend of ska and jazz as a base and jump around the musical spectrum a bit. … read more
Local Reviews: Active Aggressive
To my disadvantage, my first meeting with Active Aggressive was through this demo. This short, three-song political run is a rough one. I know the purpose of a demo, but it sounds like standing outside of a live show with earplugs in. … read more
Local Reviews: Against the Season
I had a very hard time getting through this CD. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there waiting to hear female vocals delayed over generic “rock” guitar riffs, especially if they are played on the radio every half hour. … read more
Local Reviews: ChadMP
A localized emcee from Utah County, ChadMP brings an unintentional, off-tempo flow with heartfelt lyrics to the Salt Lake Valley. MP’s second album features mediocre beats that vary from 808 bounces to piano laced rhythms showing some production versatility. … read more
Local Reviews: Eric Openshaw Band
I know who I want to marry now: Eric Openshaw! He is such a dreamboat, and his music is so creative and original—definitely God’s gift to music and the world. Ever since I received his album, I have longingly stared at the beautiful, seductive glamour shot of him posing next to the dryers at the laundromat. … read more
Local Reviews: Standing Solo
I immediately gravitated towards this album when I first played it. It had all the hallmarks of the music I liked in the late 90s: melodic “punk” with a bit of piss ‘n vinegar. I’ve changed and so has music and the demands I put on what makes an album truly great. … read more