Local Reviews: Rummys

Local Reviews: Rummys

Rummys = Frank Zappa + Cheap Trick + Marilyn Manson + Joan Jett + Steppenwolf … read more

Local Reviews: S.L.F.M. – S.L.F.M.

Local Reviews: S.L.F.M. – S.L.F.M.

If a hummingbird princess was tangled in ukulele strings, she would sound like S.L.F.M. Despite the potential for cute homogeneity, S.L.F.M. blends inevitable quiet love songs with distorted (but always melodic) rock sounds.  … read more

Local Reviews: Syqnys

Local Reviews: Syqnys

Syqnys = Immortal Technique + From First to Last + Eminem … read more

Local Reviews: AM Revelator

Local Reviews: AM Revelator

AM Revelator = Queens of the Stone Age + Angus Khan … read more

Local Reviews: Little Sap Dungeon/Perception Cleanse/Perception

Local Reviews: Little Sap Dungeon/Perception Cleanse/Perception

Little Sap Dungeon/Perception Cleanse Perception = Front Line Assembly (pre-Millenium) + Velvet Acid Christ + Bile + Hocicio … read more

Local Reviews: Spiral Diary

Local Reviews: Spiral Diary

Spiral Diary = Dashboard Confessional + Saves the Day + Plain White T’s … read more

Local Reviews: Steady Machete – Riots

Local Reviews: Steady Machete – Riots

I normally find dancey indie bands really annoying, but Steady Machete is awesome. They are tight as hell and use elements in every song that keep me interested. It’s like a little bit less technical Minus the Bear.  … read more

Local Reviews: Such Vengeance

Local Reviews: Such Vengeance

If you’re a fan of modern melodic metalcore, Such Vengeance has created an album worth listening to. The five piece band from Pleasant Grove sounds like a band that could be signed with the likes of Roadrunner, Victory, or Solid State records. … read more

Local Reviews: Until Further Notice

Local Reviews: Until Further Notice

Until Further Notice is the perfect band. There, I said it. If I knew nothing about music, I might mean it. The songs these guys play are retardedly sophomoric and lack any musical talent beyond beginner-level teenage rock camp.  … read more

Local Reviews: Emme Packer

Local Reviews: Emme Packer

Emma Packer captivates with her interpretation of the universe through each track the illuminates her poetry. … read more