Local Reviews: Dustbloom/Huldra

Local Reviews: Dustbloom/Huldra

Ah, the split album—it’s a perfect way to showcase new bands and display the diversity of a musical community. This split features three songs apiece and a collaborative track from two of Salt Lake’s most exciting bands in the world of aggressive music.  … read more

Local Reviews: JRapp

Local Reviews: JRapp

Jon Rappaport’s debut EP is a rhythmic, warmly melodic, complexly layered record that really shows off his skills as a producer. It’s evident that he has great instincts for composition from the fact that each track becomes a journey, bringing the listener along.  … read more

Local Reviews: Katherine Nelson

Local Reviews: Katherine Nelson

Born Brave is Katherine Nelson’s first album, and it is a really fucking beautiful debut. She’s had plenty of experience to build on, having performed with The Nashville Tribute Band, among others, as well as having some acting experience playing Emma Smith in several films involving the Mormon icon.  … read more

Local Reviews: Parlor Trix

Local Reviews: Parlor Trix

This four-piece rap outfit from Salt Lake is ambitious—they acknowledge they are less about the hooks and more about lyricism. This release finds three MCs trading verses over beats by DJ Drix.While the energy and devotion to hip hop culture are evident, it’s hard to see at first what sets these guys apart, aside from being local.  … read more

Local Reviews: South of Ramona

Local Reviews: South of Ramona

Aside from the cheesy 25-second intro that kicks off this five-song EP, this record is made up of some pretty good tracks from the local four-piece group. Although the first couple of songs, “Carnival Court (Step Inside)” and “Purple Sky,” feature a punk reggae vibe, the remaining tunes are different in style. … read more

Local Reviews: Stalemate Flesh

Local Reviews: Stalemate Flesh

First impressions of this metal/punk duo from Salt Lake City should be shunned—Stalemate Flesh may have the tendency to scare listeners away. The tones on Freedom 2020 initially are in the one-note realm—the guitars don’t move far from their roots, nor do the vocals—but that’s the band’s point: They’re not trying to be dramatically proficient with their instruments. … read more

Local Reviews: Starvist

Local Reviews: Starvist

Just as their album art suggests, Starvist saw off rhino horns with Taker Mythology, a fresh gulp of contemporary hardcore. Drummer Chase Cluff is a technical beast in his own right as he seamlessly transitions from technical rolls on his snare and slides into a smooth 6/8 beat with fluffy ride taps in “You Just Don’t Fool Me Twice.”  … read more

Local Reviews: Visigoth

Local Reviews: Visigoth

Nobody can resist headbanging to Final Spell. Visigoth gets right to the point in “Creature of Desire” as frontman Jake Rogers’ perfect falsetto crescendos into “whoa-oh-oh”s with the aid of the front line, exhibiting vocal prowess akin to Rob Halford.   … read more

Local Review: Allred

Local Review: Allred

Allred’s latest release is quite subdued. You won’t find any reverb on the lead guitar, and the vocals at a lower tone are more effective. Past and present considered, I do like this band’s guitar work.  … read more

Local Review: Danger Hailstorm

Local Review: Danger Hailstorm

A two-fer slab of bouncy proto-punk (or izzit pop metal?) from this local quartet, You Got It ups the the band’s incessant ear for melody (ex members of The Stench and Bad Yodellers can’t hurt) and ballsy chutzpah by driving itself over simple, thundering drums and keeping the vocals front and center in the mix.  … read more