Local Review: Hang Time

Local Review: Hang Time

This album is defined by its lush instrumentation, dripping with cosmic flair. The guitar rhythms are jangly with just enough feedback, and occasionally angular enough to border math rock.  … read more

Local Review: Harmon’s Heart

Local Review: Harmon’s Heart

Harmon’s Heart album is worth a listen for anyone who pays attention to Exigent or is willing to unplug from the local hardcore scene for a few songs.  … read more

Local Review: it foot, it ears

Local Review: it foot, it ears

Cannonball Lessons is the second release from Salt Lake avant-garde duo, it foot, it ears. This five-song EP adds to the band’s catalogue a handful of stripped-down musical miniatures, which are at once endearing and exasperating.  … read more

Local Review: Worst Friends

Local Review: Worst Friends

Having recorded this album as a two-piece, (pre bassist Elliot Secrist), Mike Cundick and Jarom Bischoff exhibit their impeccable knack for creating rock songs that are both virtuosic and passionate without lapsing into cheesiness. Opener “Nah Dude” pulsates with a riff that sounds like it is finger-picked, oscillating betwixt the lower and higher strings, which moves in a consistent, choral way, which explodes into erratic strumming.  … read more

Radical Reels World Tour @ Kingsbury Hall

Radical Reels World Tour @ Kingsbury Hall

The fast-paced and action-packed extension of the Banff Mountain Film Festival flew through SLC to close out February. Playing to a sold out crowd at the University of Utah’s Kingsbury Hall, Radical Reels showcased a variety of movies aimed at the heart of the adrenaline junkie. The Outdoor Recreation Program at the U has brought the film festival here for many years and is responsible for keeping the stoke levels at an all time high. Here are a few films that struck a chord. … read more

Upcoming Screening of The 10 x 10 Film: Girl Rising

Upcoming Screening of The 10 x 10 Film: Girl Rising

At the Sundance Film Festival in January, we witnessed a distinct shift in the filmmaking that is celebrated and rewarded. Since its opening in 1978, the festival has showcased predominantly the work of male directors. This year, however, for the first time in the festival’s history, 50 percent of the directors were women. One of these films that cast women not as sex objects or as silent companions in a male-dominated world is Girl Rising. … read more

Coleman Barks with David Darling performing the poetry of Rumi

Coleman Barks with David Darling performing the poetry of Rumi

When I first read Rumi, the universe as I knew it exploded. Suddenly, I started realizing that the connections I share with others are bound by spontaneity, and I was opened to new levels of love. Reading Rumi is a transformative experience, and it’s something that I owe to Coleman Barks, a scholar who is well known for his translations of the Sufi poet. Although Coleman Barks doesn’t actually speak or read Farsi, what he’s done for the accessibility of this Sufi mystic—by re-translating the translations from AJ Arberry and Reynold A Nicholson—is something worthwhile to note. … read more

Paul Vigil: Utah’s Second Magic Prophet

Paul Vigil: Utah’s Second Magic Prophet

Paul Vigil’s weekly parlor performances are up close, casual and feature tinges of the supernatural, or as Vigil says, “It will make you go home and wonder what the hell just happened.” … read more

Youth Lagoon @ Kilby Court 02.28 with Night Sweats

Youth Lagoon @ Kilby Court 02.28 with Night Sweats

When I first saw Trevor Powers aka Youth Lagoon play, it was last year at the Urban Lounge. At the time, he was a quiet performer with only his drum machine and keyboard and one guitarist. That was a beautiful performance. … read more

Joey Arias and Kristian Hoffman @ Urban Lounge 02.28 with the Bad Kids

Joey Arias and Kristian Hoffman @ Urban Lounge 02.28 with...

Called the “demigod of the demimonde” by Time Out New York, Joey Arias has made a career out of following the twists and turns of drag and performance culture since 1976, when he drove from L.A. to New York with dreams of performing. … read more