Year: 2012
Localized – Top Dead Celebrity, Døne and Despite Despair
Saturday, Nov. 10, you’d better be thankful you live in a land where Zion’s rock n’ roll forefathers worked their asses off to give you the shows you have today. Localized will feature two of Uncle Andy Patterson’s outfits, Top Dead Celebrity and Døne, oozing heavy gravy all over you turkeys at Urban. Openers Despite Despair will prep the big kids’ table with some electric-knife hardcore to kick off a raucous night of rock for you 21-plus music junkies for a small morsel of $5. … read more
Brown vs. Brown
Nate and Jordan Brown are a pair of identical twin skate rats hailing from Kaysville, Utah. Initially, when putting together this piece, I had fantasies of taking them out shredding and making them do the same tricks at the same time. But, even though they look alike and talk alike, and at times, they even walk alike, they actually have different skate styles. Nate takes his power to big shit, and it’s safe to say that Jordan is a bit more of a tech rail killer. … read more
The Ghosts of Hardcore Past
In 2004, hardcore blew up. Once that started happening, Blake Foard, member of bands such as Aftermath of a Trainwreck and Skeiff D’Bargg, and longtime show promoter, saw an opportunity to give a little something back to the community through the hardcore scene he loved. “Hardcore, to me, is helping out the people who matter most,” says Foard. That’s when the annual Sub For Santa show was born. … read more
Brunch for the Ears: The NOVA Chamber Music Series
The NOVA Chamber Music Series plays local and very new music in increasingly close measure with the rest of the program’s adventurous, but also canonical, repertoire. According to Jason Hardink, current artistic director of NOVA, “This makes NOVA a venue unlike any other musical presenter in town. It enriches your experience by putting a Utah composer’s piece beside a piece by Tchaikovsky, because you hear them both side by side.” … read more
Aproning Up: SLC Foodie
Let’s face it: Salt Lake City’s local food scene commonly gets ignored. Among the clutter of chains and fast food joints, it’s easy to forget the marvelous local food available here in the valley. For a few years now, Becky and Josh Rosenthal, the creators behind SLC Foodie and Vintage Mixer, have been working hard to make sure we never forget that fact again. Their local food events, SLC Mixers, are bringing people and food together like never before. … read more
Masonography, Its Rules and Etiquette: Mason Aeschbacher Beyond Samba
Mason Aeschbacher is the leader of the series of productions, which include his wife, Lorin Hansen, of Brazilian drum and dance corps Samba Fogo. Aeschbacher’s latest production entails far more than Brazilian music, however, and the project should engage a far broader audience. Aeschbacher calls the style of choreography/directing improv “Masonography,” and the first production in this style is entitled Masonography, You May Ask Yourself. … read more
Running Into Walls: The Return of Into Another
Back in 1994, there was no bigger band in my mind than New York City’s Into Another. When I learned that they were reuniting to play the Revelation Records anniversary shows in California this past summer and New York this fall, I was not only elated, but also dismayed, as my current financial situation would not allow me to attend any of the shows. I suppose that the following interview with founding member and vocalist Richie Birkenhead is somewhat of a consolation prize … and a damned good one, at that. … read more
SLUG Holiday Comix: Lizardmass
In the lastest installment of SLUG’s Holiday Comix series, Tommy Dolph explains the rituals behind everyone’s favorite November holiday, Lizardmass. … read more
Black Tusk Needs Your Beer
Last fall, Black Tusk broke forth from the swamps of Savannah, Ga. once again to unleash their fourth album, Set The Dial, upon the world.Black Tusk have become known for combining various aspects of aggressive music and filtering them through their Southern roots to create a style of metal as crushing as it is fun. “I don’t just listen to metal music by any means. That’s why we don’t just sound metal all the time,” says drummer James May. “We don’t hang out in graveyards or worship the devil. We just do it in a fun way.” … read more
Photo Feature: Derek Dennison
Nicknames are a funny thing, and they rarely make any sense. There are people like Derek Dennison, whose first and last names both begin with the letter “D.” Why does it seem so natural to refer to these individuals as “Double D?” The “Double D” exclusivity in this category of nicknames led me to investigate—which can only mean I did a Google. Lots of hits came up—that’s a good Google right there. … read more