Fiddling While Rome Burns: Pleasure Thieves

Fiddling While Rome Burns: Pleasure Thieves

Unbeknownst to many, a small faction has been assembling for the past few weeks to revive an entity that has long been considered dead. Their inconspicuous plan to unleash their diabolical, reanimated creature on humanity is almost complete. That is, if you consider post-hardcore-influenced metal-punk diabolical. I’m not talking about some cult from a splatter film, but, rather, Salt Lake’s Pleasure Thieves: a punk-based four-piece coming off an extended hiatus. … read more

That Mighty Sculptor, Time: The Return of INVDRS

That Mighty Sculptor, Time: The Return of INVDRS

After a six-month hiatus, INVDRS, one of the region’s most remorseless rock acts, is back, and in fighting fettle. For almost five years, INVDRS labored to establish itself as the musical embodiment of primordial violence, a stated goal for which they offer no apologies. “We don’t hold back,” says drummer Gavin Hoffman. Their album, Electric Church, and their live shows stand as the twin testaments of their gospel of redemption through destruction. … read more

A Custom Lifestyle

A Custom Lifestyle

Strictly an original, the legendary Bo Huff has been customizing cars and throwing vintage car show shindigs for 16 years now. This winner of the Grand National Roadster Show, operates out of East Carbon, Utah—close to where his automotive tinkering began in the ’50s. His annual events in East Carbon, and the more sporadic shows put on in southern Calif., have always been successful and, in recent years, have grown more popular. … read more

Eagle Twin: The Serpent and The Crow

Eagle Twin: The Serpent and The Crow

Eagle Twin is two beasts, operating in a spectrum of duality. Eagle Twin is finesse and power. Eagle Twin combines the power of the riff with the freeness of jazz. Eagle Twin is the serpent and the crow. Eagle Twin is Gentry Densley and Tyler Smith. In 2009, the band released their first album, The Unkindness of Crows, on the legendary Southern Lord Records. Now, the band is preparing to release their second album, The Feather Tipped the Serpent’s Scale. … read more

Gaza: Bigger Fish to Fry

Gaza: Bigger Fish to Fry

It’s been an intense six years for Gaza since the release of their critically acclaimed debut album, I Don’t Care Where I Go When I Die. Their brutal music has lit fires under fans all over the world. They’ve lost a guitarist, but gained a fresh rebirth in their creativity, and their refusal to censor their message has earned them a finger-wagging from some of the industry’s biggest names. Just like their sound, however, Gaza are relentless, fierce, and unafraid to plow through the challenges presented. … read more

All Systems Fail

All Systems Fail

If the old axiom, “slow and steady wins the race,” rings true, then All Systems Fail have certainly earned the blue ribbon 10 times over, and have given each one to the kids bouncing around house show living rooms and art shop basements. If you’re one of this odd lot who has never experienced All Systems Fail, now is a good time to do so. The band is a time capsule of sorts that belts out their original sound and embodies the ethos of punk times past, but they are also gradually sidling into a slightly updated articulation of All Systems Fail. … read more