Dead To Me’s Stampede of the Unscreamed

Dead To Me’s Stampede of the Unscreamed

“There’s all these things that we know about, that we should be talking about, but we’re not,” says Chicken, vocalist and bassist of San Francisco’s Dead To Me. While Dead To Me do touch upon common subjects such as war and homelessness in their songs, their takes on such subject matter aren’t your typical “elephants in the room.” “We’re interested in talking about the things that people shy away from, which are our emotions, our fears, our drives.” … read more

Wicked Cool Records

Wicked Cool Records

As the United States slowly rots into a stinking musical wasteland, Steven Van Zandt is fighting tooth and nail to save rock n’ roll in its purest and most beautiful form. Van Zandt, who is a weird, walking, breathing encyclopedia of cool, has managed to piece together the aptly named New York-based Wicked Cool Records. Since 2006, Wicked Cool has released some of the most important rock n’ roll that you’ve probably never heard of. … read more

Love in a Lightbulb Factory: Fucked Up Goes to the Opera

Love in a Lightbulb Factory: Fucked Up Goes to the...

Canadian hardcore stalwarts Fucked Up have just released a landmark album in their ten-year career: a true life rock opera. With a dizzying assortment of hardcore singles, three well received full lengths (one of which is a Polaris Music Prize winner), prominent slots on the indie festival circuit, and a newfound following of eye-rolling, slack-jawed hipsters who’ve just now accepted hardcore, Fucked Up has met incessant praise for their transcendent approach to punk rock. … read more

Liturgy: Transcending Black Metal

Liturgy: Transcending Black Metal

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix may be the most hated man in metal at the moment. His essay Transcendental Black Metal has become the subject of much derision. However, Aesthethica, the second album from Hunt-Hendrix’s band Liturgy, has garnered just as many positive reviews from metal outsiders as it has negative reviews from the kvltest of the kvlt. I spoke with Hunt-Hendrix about the new album and how he’s dealing with all of the attention Liturgy has been receiving. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Team Gay

Princess Kennedy: Team Gay

I was raised with four older brothers. As you can imagine, sports were important … to them. I had one brother who was sports obsessed. You know the one: captain of everything. Once at age four, we watched him pole vault himself into impalement. Somehow, the pole missed every vital organ, but at the emergency room as we watched the doctor reach up his new anus and pull tar from his back, I was put off sports (and fisting) forever! … read more

Mike Brown: It’s My Birthday

Mike Brown: It’s My Birthday

I’ve had some pretty epic birthdays in my lifetime. I am the egocentric asshole who celebrates it for at least a week straight. I think everyone should do this. It means more parties, more birthday shots and, most importantly, more presents. Life is fragile, beautiful and precious, so why is it celebrated for just one fucking day? We should do it up like Hanukkah. I could seriously convert to Judaism just for loving the idea of getting gifts for half of the month. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Feminine Bike Recon

Beautiful Godzilla: Feminine Bike Recon

There’s a definite lack of female representation in the bicycle community. I’m not going to pretend that it hasn’t been advantageous when it comes to dating—the male to female ratio is absolutely in my favor and there are some real babes on bikes riding about—but there are times when a gal just needs the kind of bonding only her fellow lady bitches can provide. … read more

Dear Dickheads – July 2011

Dear Dickheads – July 2011

SLUG’s dickheads take on the world of MMA and beer haters with boxing, heroin, and insults. … read more

Gallery Stroll – July 2011

Gallery Stroll – July 2011

I often hear people speak of old businesses that no longer exist in Salt Lake. The conversation is always the same: “Damn! I wish … was still around—they were the best!” I ask you this: If they were the best, why’d we let them go? Soap box and drum roll please… Citizens of Salt Lake, the Kayo Gallery needs our help! … read more

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

This month we review products from Nutcase, Neff, Aggronautix, SuperHeat Games and Snack Palette … read more