True to Form: The Sofa King Interview

True to Form: The Sofa King Interview

When considering the symbolic nature of the rat in parallel with Willy Nevins, it becomes obvious why his alias is “Ratchild.” His art, music, skateboarding and writings are the proverbial foods for you to devour. Infected with the disease of creation, he rapidly spreads it through the streets he scurries through. … read more

Localized – Menlo, Theta Naught and The Eden Express

Localized – Menlo, Theta Naught and The Eden Express

Menlo’s intricately orchestrated indie-pop and Theta Naught’s improvised post-rock will be politely taking the stage July 9 at the Urban Lounge for only $5 with openers The Eden Express. … read more

Swingin’ Utters: Back in the Swing of Things

Swingin’ Utters: Back in the Swing of Things

Though the Swingin’ Utters haven’t released a studio album since 2003, they’ve released a live album, a b-sides/rarities compilation, and earlier this year a tribute record was released. With news that the band will be releasing a new 7” entitled Brand New Lungs on June 22, a new album coming this Fall and extensive touring in the near future, I felt the need to get an interview with Utters’ guitarist/multi-instrumentalist/songwriter Darius Koski and to get his thoughts. … read more

Frosty Darling’s Frosting Fix: The Fourth Annual Cupcake Social

Frosty Darling’s Frosting Fix: The Fourth Annual Cupcake Social

Nothing is worse than a cocktail party.  After squeezing into some spanks to get that slinky dress on, you sit around sipping martinis and trying not to make a pig out of yourself at the snack bar as you casually converse with a bunch of pretentious yuppies. Gentry Blackburn, owner of Frosty Darling, is getting you out of that yuppy mess on July 30 from 5 to 9 p.m. for the Frosty Darling Cupcake Social. A cocktail party gone cupcake, this is an event you won’t want to miss. … read more

A Tale of Two Textiles: Copper Palate Press Prints on It

A Tale of Two Textiles: Copper Palate Press Prints on...

Create a design, apply photo emulsifier onto a screen, attach the design, shoot super-powered light at it, rinse the screen off and start applying paint through the holes the photo emulsifier made: that’s the most basic story of screen printing. But there’s more to the tale for a local woodcut and screenprint artists’ studio: “The goal of art, with all of us, is to communicate with an audience and to make an impression on people,” Cameron Bentley says. … read more

Metal of the Mountains

Metal of the Mountains

I walk into Burt’s Tiki Lounge with Deavy Metal, the wicked bard of Killbot. After cracking open some tall boys and ascertaining that the reason Devin’s hair is so shiny is because he uses Dove, I have one thing on my mind: Deavy Metal Productions Presents S.L.C. METAL Volume #1 – FREE. … read more

Out of School and Inside the Studio: Spy Hop Records Empowers a New Generation of Musicians

Out of School and Inside the Studio: Spy Hop Records...

When I got a hold of a free CD sampler of local youth artists produced by a local youth record label, I was surprised. Actually, I was in disbelief. The first time I popped the CD into my stereo, I did a double take. I checked the CD and the sleeve to make sure that this was, in fact, the music of teen musicians as produced by other teens. It’s not just that the musicians themselves are talented and original, but the production quality itself is so good that I couldn’t help but wonder if some mistake had been made. My apologies to the talented folks over at Spy Hop Records. … read more

10 Years of Stoneground

10 Years of Stoneground

At this point, the location of Stoneground really shouldn’t be a secret.  But since it’s tucked away downtown on the second floor of an older building, one that overlooks the Salt Lake Library and a Trax station, it is easy to drive straight by without ever seeing the large rust-colored sign.  In June, Stoneground celebrated its tenth anniversary.  And while this is an incredible feat for any restaurant, it is even more impressive when you consider the eatery’s humble beginnings and the adversity it has faced over the past decade. … read more

Pro Fitness for Pro Gym-Avoiders

Pro Fitness for Pro Gym-Avoiders

While physical fitness certainly has its benefits, a lot of people (including this writer) have a number of negative connotations about ‘going to the gym’ and the stereotypes of persons that embrace their gym memberships and workout routines.  So, the occasional bike ride to the bar or sporadic day on the slopes is about the extent of exercise I experience in any given year. In efforts to tackle my fear of the more muscle-bound of us, I head towards Vitality Fitness – a unique gym hidden inside a commercial park in west Sugarhouse. … read more

Picture Me Rollin’: Mark Judd

Picture Me Rollin’: Mark Judd

I met Mark Judd a long time ago but it was back in the day of Connections. I saw him skating in a competition there and he was throwing bangers on the rails and shredding the park harder than anyone I had ever seen. He was pure energy. “I got like fifth place, but I thought I should have gotten better,” Judd recalled. I agree he should have. After that contest was over I knew he was a lifetime ripper. … read more