FICE Fundraiser

FICE Fundraiser

FICE invited anyone and everyone to exhibit their art on their walls for the November Gallery Stroll. The idea was simple—hustle some art for people for a commission. FICE not only found a way to fund their gift to our lovely city, they also helped out local artists. Check out the photo gallery. … read more

JP Haynie, Golden Ghost, Crumbler

JP Haynie, Golden Ghost, Crumbler

Jp Haynie, Golden Ghost and Crumpler at Kilby Court on 11.28.09 … read more

X-Dance 2010: Celebrating Ten Years of Action Sports

X-Dance 2010: Celebrating Ten Years of Action Sports

I don’t know about you but I love festivals. I’m serious, I absolutely love them. I can remember back in the day attending the Warped Tour to see a bunch of fellow punks come together in unison to kick the shit out of the man (or each other). Or the Phish festivals where a dozen hundred Hippies take a bunch of drugs together and spread free love all over the place, including your own blanket (you still disgust me). I mean these things are fantastic, from a writer’s point of view anyway. That being said it’s with my great pleasure to welcome back to Salt Lake City: X-Dance! … read more

Del the Funkee Homosapien 12.11.2009 The Urban Lounge

Del the Funkee Homosapien 12.11.2009 The Urban Lounge

If you were planning on catching Del at the Urban Lounge on Friday the 11th, I hope you pre-rolled your L’s ahead of time. Long lines, brick temperatures and a sold out show made for some unhappy folks on the outside… … read more

The Real Secret of Magic: Guinness World Record Holder Jeff McBride and Salt Lake City’s Emerging Magical Renaissance

The Real Secret of Magic: Guinness World Record Holder Jeff...

Jeff McBride is a living magician. His performance stretches beyond illusion and into spirituality and the mystery of life, which is part of why he has become so respected as an entertainer. It’s been more than 10 years since the last time he stood on stage in our humble town, and the magic community came together over the weekend of Dec. 11-13 to see him in. … read more

Pet Shop Boys Christmas EP Review

Pet Shop Boys Christmas EP Review

The Pet Shop Boys Christmas EP reviewed by Dean  O Hillis. … read more

How The Grouch Stole Christmas

How The Grouch Stole Christmas

Some of California’s truest and most dialed hip hop OGs came to SLC in early December as part of the “How the Grouch Stole Christmas” tour. Kicking off the tour right here in Salt Lake, The Grouch came with Mistah Fab, Fashawn and Exile to start off the string of B and E’s and the holiday sprit. … read more

National CD Reviews – January 2009

National CD Reviews – January 2009

SLUG reviews The Ability, The American Black Lung, Arliss Parker and many more. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Bucket

Contributor Limelight: Bucket

This 6’4″ sleeved punk may appear brutish but we at SLUG know his true nature – cuddly. Bucket has inked his fingers distributing SLUG magazines all-over Utah for the past 6 years. He is famously known for wearing shorts year-round and for being one of Salt Lake’s most imposable bouncers. … read more

Don’t Kill the Messenger, Especially When the Roads are Slick

Don’t Kill the Messenger, Especially When the Roads are Slick

With cycling of all kinds becoming more popular, trendy even, the bike messenger’s job has become a romantic ideal for the teenage hipster. … read more