Dear Dickheads – September 2009

Dear Dickheads – September 2009

This month, SLUG’s talented staff of dickheads take on Fixie Fake-ster Haters, U92 DJs, residents of Roy City and a slovenly fellow named Pete. … read more

Video Game Reviews – September 2009

Video Game Reviews – September 2009

This month features video game reviews of Blueberry Garden, The Conduit, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen … read more

Contributor Limelight: Jessica Davis

Contributor Limelight: Jessica Davis

Don’t let her affinity for mustaches fool you, Jessica Davis is one of the uncreepiest members of the SLUG family.  … read more

Andy Patterson

Andy Patterson

After drumming around the world with the likes of Shelter and Inside Out, Andy Patterson started recording and using some of the same mantras he learned while on the road back in the studio. His near-constant work and resume that reads hundreds of projects long has led to Patterson garnering respect not only in Utah, but all over the world. … read more

Getting Dirty with Matty Coles

Getting Dirty with Matty Coles

Coles doesn’t say a lot—he lets his skating do the talking. He is incredibly humble, yet completely confident in his abilities on a board. I’ve never heard a single complaint or even a curse word come out of his mouth when a spot was hard to skate, or the trick just wasn’t coming, or when I asked him to do a trick that he had never even done before. … read more

Localized: Irony Man, Poo Pee D and the Family Jewels – October 2009

Localized: Irony Man, Poo Pee D and the Family Jewels...

October’s Localized features two bands that take on characters and personas on a regular basis. Irony Man channel the sound and members of early 70s-era Black Sabbath. Poo Pee D and the Family Jewels take the approach of being larger than life, performing as ingloriously odd characters. Kiss Thiss opens Oct. 16 @ The Urban Lounge. … read more

Jay Henderson

Jay Henderson

Jay Henderson knows what it means to pay for studio time.  An accomplished musician and member of local roots-rock heroes Band of Annuals, Henderson has spent his share of time both inside and outside the recording booth.  “I’ve always been a huge fan of music—writing, recording, producing, the works,” he says. … read more

Scott Selfridge

Scott Selfridge

I had the opportunity of getting to know Scott Selfridge over a period of two years as he patiently recorded and re-recorded my band’s last album, so it was with great pleasure that I got to pick his brain one night in his bedroom studio for this piece. Instead of attempting to condense our one-hour conversation into a narrative, I’ll just let him speak for himself. … read more

Matt Mateus

Matt Mateus

“I think I really started getting interested after I met Herc Ottenheimer. He taught me pretty much everything I know. I was so jealous of his lifestyle–getting to record bands for a living seemed like the best job in the world.” … read more

Salt Lake Recording Service

Salt Lake Recording Service

From the moment you step inside Salt Lake Recording Service, you know exactly what Brad McCarley and Nathan Tomlinson are going for. The century–old warehouse has a heavy air that only comes with age, and the worn wooden floors root you firmly in the past, but the modern flourishes like the art hanging from the walls, the low hum of electronic equipment and a sleek overall aesthetic fuse the past and the present into something that isn’t quite either. … read more