Dirk Hogan: Half Hulk, Half Dundee, All Hogan.

Dirk Hogan: Half Hulk, Half Dundee, All Hogan.

Dirk Hogan recently stopped by our house in the hopes of getting some footage we had filmed for Roger Skateboards’ “Roger of the Month” giveaway that they do on a regular basis. … read more

Word Association: Lyriconomics with Kordell Black

Word Association: Lyriconomics with Kordell Black

Anyone who has spent any sort of time with Kordell Black knows he is lyrically gifted in the art of rhyme speak, so what better way to conduct his interview than by showcasing his ability to rap on spot? … read more

Contributor Limelight: Ricky Vigil

Contributor Limelight: Ricky Vigil
By , , , , ,

Although he is the newest member of the SLUG office Staff, Ricky Vigil has been writing for the magazine for over two years. Vigil splits his time between the United States Postal Service and reviewing ska and punk music for the mag. … read more

Localized: Cave of Roses, Through the Eyes of Carrion and A Horrible Night to Have A Curse – November 2008

Localized: Cave of Roses, Through the Eyes of Carrion and...

There isn’t much of a better way to start preparing for the holidays like a visceral, extreme metal show. … read more

Collective Mindset of Selfishness: A. Star Recordings, American West Free Society Press, Magic Goat Music

Collective Mindset of Selfishness: A. Star Recordings, American West Free...

The swagger of the self-proclaimed artist abounds in Kaysville. I’m still unclear what it is about that area of Utah, that sits between Ogden and Salt Lake, which allows it to produce so many prolific musicians. … read more

8ctopus Records

8ctopus Records

Slinging some of the more legitimate “out there” shit since 2006, 8ctopus Records tends to keep the focus local. … read more

A Delicate Balance: Exigent Records Finds its Groove

A Delicate Balance: Exigent Records Finds its Groove

Colby Houghton, father of two and T-Mobile employee by day, is no stranger to the business behind owning a record label. Colby’s brainchild, Exigent Records, has seen substantial national success with GAZA, Loom, Prize Country and a gamut of successful and up-and-coming regional bands. … read more