The Inversion Trawler: Easy-Peel Clementines – February 2008

The Inversion Trawler: Easy-Peel Clementines – February 2008

Not long ago Aunt Leona, Boo, and I were traveling along State Street which used to be a big cruising street on weekends for bored teens. … read more

Mike Brown interviews Zane Miller

Mike Brown interviews Zane Miller

I had recently sworn off doing any more interviews for SLUG or anyone else for that matter. Not that I really write for anyone else, but if GQ had somehow resurrected my favorite author William S. Burroughs and was going to pay me in high-priced hookers to ask him a bunch of fucked-up questions and finally find out if he really killed his wife so he could become a homosexual junkie and such, I’d probably still say no.  … read more

Books Aloud – February 2008

Books Aloud – February 2008

Acta Est, In The Desert of Desire and more are reviewed. … read more

Video Games – February 2008

Video Games – February 2008

 Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3 and Warhawk are reviewed. … read more

DVD Reviews – February 2008

DVD Reviews – February 2008

Automations, The Gods of Time Square and more are reviewed. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Ischa Buchanan

Contributor Limelight: Ischa Buchanan

Ischa Buchanan is a SLUG Mag Marketing Assistant, joining the crew in November of 2007. With her genuine smile and eloquent professionalism, Ischa has mastered the art of marketing and event coordination in just a few months.  … read more

Dear Dickheads – March 2008

Dear Dickheads – March 2008

The dickheads, take time from being dickheads, to answer your stupid, dickhead questions. … read more

Localized: SLUG Mag’s monthly local music festival – March 2008

Localized: SLUG Mag’s monthly local music festival – March 2008

The second Friday of every month, SLUG Magazine hosts Localized, a showcase of Utah’s local music that deserves to be heard. On March 14th, Ogden punks JÜSE and Animus Grin will headline Localized with opening band Spearit! at Urban Lounge, a private club for members—which will prove to be unforgettable. … read more

National CD Reviews – March 2008

National CD Reviews – March 2008

Ancestors, Antietem and more are chalked up and reviewed this month. … read more