Month: August 2007
The Inversion Trawler: Ms. Leona Dripdry
We have an aunt, Ms. Leona Dripdry. She’s somewhere in middle age but somehow stuck on planet teen. It’s not that she’s all immature and awkward or anything, she’s actually really on top of things, with poise, grace and a retarded sort of glamour. It’s just that she seems to prefer the company of teenagers, the more
Dropping The “B” Word
Today Led Zeppelin is used to pander anything from gas-efficient vehicles to moisturizing dish soap. Bubble-punk pink-panthers penetrate the airwaves. Poster art papers our museums. Postmodernism, of course, celebrates this apparent death of cultural elitism. But is there something to be mourned in the passing of Fine Art, in the replacement of “authentic” artworks by
Murder Junkies—The Greatest Day of My Life
When I found out the Murder Junkies were playing in Salt Lake City last summer, I begged SLUG for the opportunity to interview them; one of my favorite bands. In case you don’t know, the Murder Junkies includes Merle Allin, brother to former Murder Junkie singer and punk rock icon G.G. Allin. … read more
Random News From the Skate World
The Mystery/Zero squads rolled through town in late June to premiere the latest, I mean first, Mystery video. They did a demo and set up portable screen at South Jordan Skate Park. I heard a whole lot of tricks went down both live and on the screen. Dennis Durrant from Australia now rides for the
Skate Product Reviews – August 2007
Reviews for GoPro, KR3W and C1RCA. … read more
Gallery Stroll – August 2007
Recently American Style Magazine released the winners of their 2007 Top 25 Art’s Destination reader’s poll. In the category of mid-sized cities, ranging in population of 100,000 to 499,999, Salt Lake City came in number 13, just behind powerhouses such as Las Vegas, ranked third, Honolulu seventh and Miami eighth. … read more
Dear Dickheads – August 2007
Fuck Corgan and his Smashing Pumpkins; they only made two good records anyway. … read more
Contributor Limelight: Joshua Joye
Joshua Joye, SLUG’s graphic designer, is a “Josh of all Trades” – he wood works, he graffiti’s, he screenprints, he stencils and much, much more! … read more
Review: Twigger’s Holiday
Twigger’s Holiday Slow January Records Street: 08.07 I picked up this gem of a DVD just because the dude who made it had some sort of affiliation with Sarah Silverman (he did something with her show). I knew to expect something hilariously bizarre but not what I actually received from this DVD. The DVD