Month: June 2007

Review: The Beautiful Language of My Century: Reinventing the Language...
The Beautiful Language of My Century: Reinventing the Language of Contestion in Postwar France, 1945-1968 Tom McDonough MIT Press Street: 03.30 In The Beautiful Language of My Century, Tom McDonough has his work cut out for him as the topic of the Situationist International and the May ’68 riots are an over-bloated subject. But what

Review: Aftermath
I think there has got to be a hundred of these books out there, and all of them are probably titled “Aftermath.” You know, giant, glowing books about 9/11 and the wreckage, tragedy and irony that is 9/11. … read more

Localized: The Adonis
Localized is a monthly music showcase held the second Friday of every month at the Urban Lounge. This month’s Localized features two individuals involved with SLUG; one current writer, Jesse Kennedy of The Adonis and one alumni, Chris Carter of Trebuchet as well as opening band Bombs and Beating Hearts. Rather than do the respectable

Localized: Trebuchet
Localized is a monthly music showcase held the second Friday of every month at the Urban Lounge. This month’s Localized features two individuals involved with SLUG; one current writer, Jesse Kennedy of The Adonis and one alumni, Chris Carter of Trebuchet as well as opening band Bombs and Beating Hearts. Rather than do the respectable

Localized: The Lionelle
On Friday, June 8th SLUG Magazine is hosting the first ever all-ages Localized at Kilby Court. The show will feature Kid Theodore, The Lionelle and opener Paul Jacobson. Door are at six, music starts at seven and it will end early enough that anyone over 21 will be able to attend the regular Localized at

Localized: Kid Theodore
On Friday, June 8th SLUG Magazine is hosting the first ever all-ages Localized at Kilby Court. The show will feature Kid Theodore, The Lionelle and opener Paul Jacobson. Door are at six, music starts at seven and it will end early enough that anyone over 21 will be able to attend the regular Localized at

Lacuna Coil Show Review
I recall the very first time I saw Lacuna Coil play live. They were touring with Opeth and they played to a very small yet excited crowd In the Venue. Apparently, a stint on Ozzfest and media exposure have risen the band to bigger heights. … read more