Localized: Redemption

Localized: Redemption

Suggestion is a powerful force. Thinking about lemons makes you pucker, and seeing someone else yawn will nearly force you to yawn in response. It follows quite logically that given the season of heat and despotic, constant sunlight, one would want to experience something both chilly and dark. The music of Carphax Files, Redemption, and

Localized: Carphax Files

Localized: Carphax Files

Suggestion is a powerful force. Thinking about lemons makes you pucker, and seeing someone else yawn will nearly force you to yawn in response. It follows quite logically that given the season of heat and despotic, constant sunlight, one would want to experience something both chilly and dark. The music of Carphax Files, Redemption, and

Localized: Cart!

Localized: Cart!

Localized is the second Friday of each month at the Urban Lounge. This Month of April will be featuring The Album, CART!, Captured by Robots and your drunk friend who won’t stop spilling beer on your coat. CART! Matt: Guitar and vocals James: Drums and vocals Deb: Bass and vocals MC: Noise and vocals CART!

Big Black Monsoon: Yyrkoon Unleashes a New Storm With Occult Medicine

Big Black Monsoon: Yyrkoon Unleashes a New Storm With Occult...

[Yyrkoon]Coming from France’s Osmose Productions as well as Salt Lake City’s The End Records is French metal thrashers Yyrkoon. After humble beginnings in 1995, the band released their debut full-length album, Oniric Transition, in 1998 and Dying Sun in 2002. Progressing to a different sound, the band’s third release, Occult Medicine, is a steamroller of

Pinch Me: SLUG’s Adventures at SXSW 2005

Pinch Me: SLUG’s Adventures at SXSW 2005

Free BBQ, show highlights, and interview with Billy Idol, Joey Castillo from Queens of the Stone Age and Bad Brad Wheeler from the Legendary Porch Pounders! … read more

Hardcore Realists: Death from Above 1979 Sneer at Glory

Hardcore Realists: Death from Above 1979 Sneer at Glory

My impression of Canadian two-piece Death from Above 1979 pre-interview was that they don’t suffer a fool. That turned out to be true, but it also turned out to be true that Jesse Keeler, bassist for DFA1979, is non-fakely nice; he granted a 35-minute interview to SLUG while everyone else in the tour group was

Localized: Domiana

Localized: Domiana

Localized this month falls on the auspicious day of Friday the 13th. SLUG has managed to tear the dark and macabre bands Tragic Black and Domiana away from the unspeakable activities they would otherwise be engaged in to play for us at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. DOMIANA Dredd: Vocals and

Localized: Tragic Black

Localized: Tragic Black

Localized this month falls on the auspicious day of Friday the 13th. SLUG has managed to tear the dark and macabre bands Tragic Black and Domiana away from the unspeakable activities they would otherwise be engaged in to play for us at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. TRAGIC BLACK Vyle: Keyboards

Localized: Nate Padley

Localized: Nate Padley

Localized this month is lovely and has a clean complexion. Localized talks to you in a whisper before tucking you in with a glass of water. Nate Padley and The Happies will play on the second Friday of March at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. NATE PADLEY Nate Padley: Guitar and

Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson

Tragic Happenings in This Foul Year of the Cock, 2005   Woody Creek, Colorado, 02/20/05: I turned on the news today and saw that Hunter S. Thompson had died, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. My first reaction was that it couldn’t be true. I thought it must be some kind of publicity stunt; why would