Year: 2005
Review: Amateur God – Around The Corners Of Our Minds
AMATEUR GOD AROUND THE CORNERS OF OUR MINDS Black Rain Perhaps it isn’t a fair fight, but it’s on anyway. Attrition’s Martin Bowes and whatever cohorts he decides to bring along have been making dark electronic music since long before anyone thought up the phrase “dark wave.” Amateur God? Really, I haven’t a clue. They’re
Review: Anal Vomit – Demoniac Flagellations
Anal Vomit Demoniac Flagellations From Beyond Productions The name Anal Vomit makes one expect this band to be yet another ridiculous gore-grind band—not so! Instead, you get rabid, old school, thrash-inspired war metal! And it’s damned good. Only problem: The singer likes to play live and pose in band photos with no pants. That is
Review: Aborted – The Archaic Abattoir
Aborted The Archaic Abattoir Olympic Recordings Aborted has been gaining more and more popularity, mainly due to magazines like Terrorizer throwing them in people’s faces. When I finally heard them, I was expecting the much lauded “Aborted is the new Carcass!” kudo to live up to itself—it did not. More or less, these guys
Review: A Northern Chorus – Bitter Hands Resign
A Northern Chorus Bitter Hands Resign Sonic Unyon Street: 05.03 A Northern Chorus = Low + Elbow + Strings + Mogwai’s Distortion Peddle While many might find the pacing of Bitter Hands Resign cumbersome, they’d be missing the intricate details that make this melancholy release particularly unique and beautiful. It’s all caught up in the
Review: :wumpscut: – Evoke
:wumpscut: Evoke Metropolis Street: 04.12 Because my expectations were pretty low due to the preview, the Blondi single, I’ll admit that I’m not disappointed with this release. The album starts off with a crackwhore waltz featuring the wretched female vocals that are like fingernails on a chalkboard on “Maiden.” Vocoder distortion helps her at
Review: CeCe Rogers – It’s Alright
CeCe Rogers It’s Alright Swing City Ahhhhhh. The GN is back! After the recent success of “Come On & Dance,” the living legend CeCe Rogers returns with a song that will stay in your head as well as in your record box. This features three mixes from “Gee’s Classic Club Mix,” a heavy vocal number
Split Your Lungs with Blood And Thunder: Mastodon has the...
In the winter of 2002, my friends asked me if I wanted to go out to Burt’s Tiki Lounge and check out some metal band from Atlanta named Mastodon. I declined since I had never heard of them and I was burnt out on bars in general. When they all told me how stupid I
Localized: The Album
Localized is the second Friday of each month at the Urban Lounge. This Month of April will be featuring The Album, CART!, Captured by Robots and your drunk friend who won’t stop spilling beer on your coat. THE ALBUM Jud Powell: Vocals and guitar Chris Peterson: Bass Chris Evans: Drums Jud and one of the
The Bellrays
Do Not Obey: The Bellrays Bust Boundaries with their One-of-a-Kind Rock n’ Soul When talked about in larger publications The BellRays usually get lumped in with the so-called “garage rock revival.” Not only have The BellRays been playing their patented brand of maximum rock n’ soul for much longer than that stupid tag has been
Localized: The Happies
THE HAPPIES Miles Biddulph: Guitar Ki: Guitar Elledge IV: Drums and Keys Linwood Biddulph: Keys and Drums Nate Biddulph: Bass To find The Happies, I went down a narrow and silent alleyway to a little house with few lights on inside. There, I found The Happies and we proceeded to have a muted conversation.