Interlocking Puzzle Pieces: Jessica Something Jewish Join Together From the Farflung Corners of Utah

Interlocking Puzzle Pieces: Jessica Something Jewish Join Together From the...

All the members of Jessica Something Jewish live in completely different areas of the state, so I can’t really sum up their location in one city. James Glines(vocals/beats) lives in Bountiful. I’ve known him as a singer/songwriter for a couple years and have frequented many open mics with the guy. When I finally got the

The Pirate Within

The Pirate Within

Piracy has existed throughout the whole of history. During the height of the Pax Romana pirates held Julius Caesar captive. Then again, the Romans were some of the most widely operating pirates of all time.The Vikings were also pirates. They would go up and down the British and French coasts terrorizing and pillaging wealthy monasteries.

Localized: Theta Naught

Localized: Theta Naught

Localized is a monthly music fest spotlighting local bands. This month, SLUG brings you Theta Naught and Less People More Robots. Localized is the second Friday of every month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. Come and see the SLUG staff do what they do best; get sloshed. THETA NAUGHT Ryan

Localized: Less People More Robots

Localized: Less People More Robots

Localized is a monthly music fest spotlighting local bands. This month, SLUG brings you Theta Naught and Less People More Robots. Localized is the second Friday of every month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members only. Come and see the SLUG staff do what they do best; get sloshed. LESS PEOPLE MORE

Katchup – September 2004

Katchup – September 2004

Here’s your Katchup for September! Peep the pic of the Red Bull Inland Wake Skate Session held on Aug. 30th at the Gallivan Center. Kampus team rider Clint Tompkins slides up a wet, slippery piece of lumber while a couple of hotties check out his…mad steez. Fellow riders Lief Erkkila and champ Phillip Bassino were

Zen & the Art of Skateboarding

Zen & the Art of Skateboarding

“With a calm, silent, hidden smile not unlike a healthy child’s, the Buddha walked, wearing the cloak and setting his feet down like all his monks, according to a precise regulation.” – Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha. In every community, every walk of life, every art form, there is a motivated soul, always one step ahead in action

ANTiSEEN – October 2004

ANTiSEEN – October 2004

Wait! Wait before you go forming your political views based around your favorite kiddy punk band or Punkvoter.com and its brainless communist Hot Topic army. The least you can do to seem a tad bit intelligent would be to hear the other side of the story from a real punk band that has been around

We Want the Airwaves Back: Pirate Radio Inspiration

We Want the Airwaves Back: Pirate Radio Inspiration

I was assigned to write a piece about pirate radio for this month’s issue so I contacted pirate radio’s most infamous guru: Tecspectr. We made arrangements to meet, and later that week, he showed up at the SLUG office carrying an inconspicuous black shoulder bag. Tall and thin, an engineer by trade, I could tell

Red Eyed Legends – October 2004

Red Eyed Legends – October 2004

“We’re the red-eyed legends from the night before, the TV babies from the media war.” – The Germs. [Red Eyed Legends: “Red Eyed” doesn’t have a hypen, you grammar-purist assholes.] Frontman and living legend Chris Thomson, Red Eyed Legend that is, lives in Chicago, where he says “It’s all right, some days, but it’s a

Indie Label Spotlight: Carcrash Records

Indie Label Spotlight: Carcrash Records

Some things just grab your attention, like driving past a car crash. Sweden’s Carcrash Records produces the kind of arresting music that you can’t fail to prick up your ears to, with some of the most captivating bands that have taken the aftermath of punk-influenced music to a whole nuther level, like International Noise Conspiracy