Film & Video Reviews: November 1991

Film & Video Reviews: November 1991
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The message: don’t let anyone’s ideas compact your reality into a frame, dare to be a free thinker and let no one dictate your reality. … read more

Featured Band November 1991: Reality

Featured Band November 1991: Reality

Fast, hard edge, and aggressive, with brutally honest lyrics, some have even called Reality “heavy metal.” … read more

Record & Tape Reviews: November 1991

Record & Tape Reviews: November 1991
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Can you keep up with Nirvana? They put you to the test on this one. … read more

Comics: October 1991

Comics: October 1991

The charm of this series is entertaining, the entire premise of date gods existing in the modern world serves to exhibit just how jaded society has become. … read more

Record Reviews: October 1991

Record Reviews: October 1991
By , , ,

You say you were lookin’ for something different, never been done before, completely original, zany looney music stuff? … read more

Notes From the Industrial Underground: October 1991

Notes From the Industrial Underground: October 1991

Every once in awhile something extraordinary passes through my hot, hellish hands … read more

Concert Review: Fractal Method, Tom Purdue, Lily’s Remains

Concert Review: Fractal Method, Tom Purdue, Lily’s Remains

The atmosphere of the Pompadour was electric as the audience anticipated the return of Fractal Method to regular performing in Salt Lake. … read more

Books And Literature: October 1991

Books And Literature: October 1991
By ,

The telling of the story behind this investigation is often as fascinating as the outlandish (?) premise. … read more

Concert Review: Monks Of Doom

Concert Review: Monks Of Doom

Now that their respective bands are gone, though, these guys have gotten serious. … read more

Concert Review: Iceburn, Gladbirds, Stoneface

Concert Review: Iceburn, Gladbirds, Stoneface

Unfortunately, the audience didn’t seem to be there to enjoy the bands but to have a good time in spite of the bands. Welcome to Provo.  … read more