If the majority of popular Christian music is dominated by an annoying “Jesus Is My Boyfriend” take on reality, then the music of Loud Harp comes as a breath of fresh air.
Local Review: Loud Harp – Asaph
Local Music Reviews

Loud Harp
Street: 04.08
Loud Harp = A Boy and His Kite + Seafinch
If the majority of popular Christian music is dominated by an annoying “Jesus Is My Boyfriend” take on reality, then the music of Loud Harp comes as a breath of fresh air. By embracing contemporary indie music, Loud Harp have positioned themselves away from most popular worship music, and with their sophomore offering, they have put together a beautifully realized album based on the poetry of the psalmist Asaph. Taking cues from acts like Broken Social Scene and Sigur Rós, Asaph is full of soaring and somber music that meditates on one’s relationship with God. On standout track “The Nearness of You,” singer Asher Seevinck cries, “My flesh and my heart, may fail … You have been my strength, my refuge, whom have I but you?” The message here might be lost on some, but the power and feeling behind the delivery is enough to make anyone emotional. –Alex Gilvarry